Chapter 1 Assassination.

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Sitting in a office room with a long glass table an middle aged man sat at the head of the table, another man standing to his left, while two younger males stood to his right.

The room was immaculate clear the wall was all glass from top to bottom looking out of the gorgeous city of Itaewon-dong, the walls where white and the chairs where black, a very moden feel to the room.

Opposite the middle aged man was sat three young men and an elderly woman, the group staring at each other silence filled the room, until the women spoke up.

"Come now Jeon, we've been in business with each other since are parents own most of Korea, can't you just do this little favour for me" the woman smiled tightly.

The two young men next to Jeon eyed each other, knowing the outcome already.

"Ms Mong, I know that we have been in an association for quite a while, but you have to consider, after our last deal, do you really believe that I will agree to any of you stupid ideas let alone let you help with getting that necklace?" Mr Jeon said shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Ms Mong asked a confused look showing on her face.

With that Mr Jeon sighed looking at the three men beside him, "our last deal you told me about Cabot Guns Big Bang Pistol Set thats worth 4,5 million but instead it was a Hi-Point C9 that was worth 189, nothing fucking close to 1 million let alone the 4.5 million you promised" he explained.

"It was a genuine mistake, anyone could of done that" Ms Mong told him shrugging, with that Mr Jeon stood up abruptly, leaning on the table, glaring at Ms Mong.

"I seriously suggest, that you leave my hotel and never, I repeat NEVER return, you won't like what will happen to you, if you do, you will regret it." The deadly silence, was deafening.

Ms Mong stood up, her men moved out the way for her to walk out of the room. as she got to the door, she turned around an icy cold glear directed at Mr Jeon "You'll be the one regreting"

"Is that a threat?" Mr Jeon asked, face turning red with anger, the woman simply shrugged, a ghost of a smile on her face "consider it, a warning".

With that she left, her men right behind her, hands hovering over their guns, just in case.

The moment she was gone, Mr Jeon sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair "Bloody woman".

"Sir, would you like me to keep an eye on her movements?" Namjoon one of the young men standing next to him asked, turning around Mr Jeon shock his head, "It's not worth your time, Namjoon"

Namjoon nodded, walking out the room with the other young man next to him, "oh Seokjin, will you please find my son, tell him he's got a job to do later" Mr Jeon told the young man next to Namjoon

Seokjin nodded, a low "yes sir" was all he said as both Namjoon and Seokjin left, heading down stairs.

Walking down to the 34th floor, the boys saw their small group lounging around, "come on Cap, your dad said you got a job to do" Seokjin said kicking Jungkook feet off the table.

The youngest of the group looked up, eyes widened with shock, and mouth full with food "what?"

"What, you didn't know you had a job today?" Namjoon asked Jungkook shook his head no.

"Well I'll fill you in, Hoseok, your in as well" Namjoon told them as the three left to the garage.

The van they used was two seats in the front while the back had a table with computers and screens over the side, the other side had guns hanging up, Hoseok sat in the drivers seat, while Jungkook sat next to him in front.

Threat of death Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora