Right now I'm just wrapping up my area so I could go home already.

"Angela wants you in her office" one of the security guards says already grabbing me by the arms and dragging me.

"I know how to walk" I say but the guard just chose to ignore me.

Finally we're in front of Angela's office and the guard just pushes me in before closing the door behind me.

Angela was sitting down behind her desk filling out some papers while I just decided to take a seat in the chairs she has for guest.

"I need to inform you of something important" Angela says not looking up from her papers.

"As we all know every year the Mafia Ball happens. This year the Italians are the host and they have decided to have it here. I was informed that you and many other will be...." Her words start to blur from there.

After a year of almost not fighting and mostly everyone forgetting about me I was hit with this.

I just look at her with no expression on my face knowing that I have not choice but to go.

"It's also a way for them to show off their new recruits" she says eyeing out from her window to the fight down below us.

"Its In 2 months. be here tomorrow by 10:00pm sharp, No excuses for you to be late from this day on understood?" She ask and I nod.

"I said understood" she repeats herself again.

"Understood" I say and she nods her head that the door.

"See you tomorrow, kid" she says and with that I leave.

After getting escorted out of the building on onto the alley I found myself at a cemetery.

I don't have my mask on anymore nor my red sweater. Instead I have on a blue hood and a black beanie on.

I am at where they buried my mother. My biological mother

"I figured out why you came to me that night" I say to myself as I start walking to her grave. "It was to remind me of your anniversary today, huh?"

"You left me there at a park in a cold, cold day to fend for myself. I could have been taken by human traffickers, drug dealers or a kind lady or man could have reported me to the authorities and I would have been put in the system. Either way you wouldn't have cared" I say tears building up and I try my best not to let them out as I stop in front her grave.

" Thea, my mom, saw me and decided to take me. Surprisingly enough she was married to dad can you believe that? She helped raised me after you left. She could have treated me badly but no, she treated me like I was her own. SOMETHING THAT YOU DIDN'T DO" I yell tears streaming down my face.

I just stay standing in front of her grave.

Maria Ferraro

The only words engraved in her tomb along with the year she was born and the year she died.

I hear a leave crunch making me snap my head sideways to see a tall familiar dark figure.

I squint my eyes to see who it is and I see the moons light reflecting Hayden standing there in a blue zip up sweater and joggers.

"What are you doing here?" I ask looking away from him to wipe the tears away.

Why does he always appear at times like these?

"Last time I checked the cemetery was open to the public" Hayden says sarcastically and I scoff at that.

"Better question is why are you here at 3 in the morning?" He ask.

"I asked first" I retract turning to look at him.

"Touché" he says but we just stay quiet.

"I.... I should get going now" I mutter out passing him by.

"Strange girl" I hear him mutter to himself but I didn't bother Turing back. The only thing I want to do is just get out of here.

Hayden's POV

"Strange girl" I mutter to myself as I see her almost run out of here.

I turn my head to the gravestone she was starring at so intently.

Maria Ferraro


I read her date of birth along with her death day and just head to where I was going to originally.

After a couple of minutes I finally reach their stone.

Dakota King

London King

Ella King

David King

All died in the same day at the same time. I should have died with them if it I hadn't ran to the grocery store.

When I returned I found them all laying on their own pool of blood.

"It's been a while since I last visited you guys. I'm sorry, I promised that I would have visited but I was shipped off to Grandmas house" I say to them.

I look down at my bruised fist and I start to clench them as rage starts to fuel me.

I wouldn't have to be visiting my family to their gravestones if it weren't for them.

"I will find whoever did this to you guys. If it's the last thing I do" I say clenching my fist.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

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