Chapter Two

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Nya's POV

"Nya, wait up!" Kai called after me as I ran down the stairs. I growled and continued walking.

"Nya, come on! Just let me explain!" How did he even catch up to me? He had already grabbed my wrist before I could get away, so I didn't have a choice but to answer.

I sighed. "Explain what, Kai?! Maybe that you lied to me, or maybe that you left me taking care of our shop all alone?" I crossed my arms, glaring at him. Okay, maybe I took it a bit too far, but it's not like I really cared at this point.

"It was only to protect you-" To protect me?!

"Protect me from what, Kai? If you can defend yourself, so can I. Our whole shop is filled with weapons for goodness' sake!" I snapped. He didn't respond. Of course he didn't.

I stormed off again, climbing down the stairs. How long were these stairs? "Forget it, I'm going home."

"Wait-" he called out after me, but cut himself off. "Fine then, be a baby about it. I won't answer anything once you come back," he yelled.

"Who said I'm coming back?!" I snapped. Yeah, maybe that was a little much, but he lied to me. I can't just forgive him like everything is fine.

He was the one who rescued me, sure, but that doesn't mean I'm a baby. I can defend myself.

Doesn't he think I'm also worried about him? He only visits me on weekend because of that 'job' of his. I was going to find out soon anyways, so why not tell me? It would be too 'dangerous' for me apparently. But yeah, go abandon your sister, I guess.

The Monastery seemed huge. I bet he has all he needs there, while I'm trying to sell our parents' swords to pay the rent. He'd work all week but never bring any money back. Well, at least I now know the reason. I don't even own a proper cellphone, so at least I don't have to deal with his calls and messages. Unless he comes here, then I'll make sure to lock the door.

I'm sure he's passing his time sooo well there. Three roommates, dragons, training and weapons, the only thing missing is a Sensei, which they probably have. And that kid Jay told me about, but he doesn't matter. At least his roommates seemed pretty nice-

"Watch where you're going!" A villager pushed me aside after I bumped onto him.

I came back to my senses, looking around me. When did I arrive in Ignacia? Oh well, better for me, I guess.

I went up the hill where our shop was.
I unlocked the door, and once inside, I closed the store entirely. The windows, and even the opening we have where we display our weapons. It was completely dark now, so I made sure to open the lights or even light up some candles afterwards. I went to our room and sat down on my old desk. I looked at the picture. Mom and dad died years ago, but it still feels like it was only yesterday. I didn't remember it, but Kai did. And now he's gone too.

I was ready to break down to tears, but I glanced at the corner of the room. A cabinet with an open drawer. Blueprints were spilling out of it, making a scattered mess on the floor.

I thought for a bit. Well, they might have training, but I have something even better; technology.

Yeah, that'll work! There's plenty of crime in Ninjago city, I can take care of that! I'll show them, I'll show Kai I can protect myself too! I'll beat them in their own game, yeah, that's it!

But what should I do? I can't become a Ninja, they'll think I'm one of them. What's the opposite of a Ninja? A.. Samurai, maybe?

That's.. actually a pretty good idea. Maybe I can make it so it can fly. Or give it cool swords, and a helmet so they won't recognize me! What about a mech? If I can't beat them, a giant robot certainly will!

I got up from my chair and started rummaging through my old blueprints, mechanical parts, everything I could. I had some, but not enough. Even if I completed it in a day, I still wouldn't have enough parts to finish it.

I sighed in defeat, but something caught my eye. A money jar on top of the drawer. It had plenty of money in it. Well, not a lot, but enough to get me some extra parts. We were supposed to be saving up with Kai to move out some day. I guess that'll never happen now, at least with me. I prefer being stuck in this place rather than being with him.

I opened the jar and poured the money onto my hands. I think they should be enough for now. Ignacia doesn't have any other shops, so I'd have to go back to the city. Let's just hope I can remain undercover. Maybe I'll put glasses on? I mean, one of our neighbours always forgets them in her front porch. Then again, borrowing one of Kai's old hoodies would be easier. He won't come back to get them anyways.

I don't care if I don't see Flame, or Kai again. I know I can't avoid that, we'll have to talk at some point. But he's the one not explaining it to me. And even if he did explain it, he didn't do such a great job calling me a baby.

I wonder if he had mentioned me before. Probably as his annoying damsel in distress he's always have to save and protect. He better enjoy the life he has now, he's not going to miss me anyways, I mean, he didn't miss me when he was gone all week.

Anyways, don't distract yourself Nya. If Kai thinks he can be the hero, so can I.

Soo, based on my outline, this will be at least a five chapter story. I know it's kinda small, but spoilers, it'll end with the events of episode 5. Though the plot up until that point will be brand new, along with the dialogue ;)

C ya!

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