Horny for no reason...

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   I'm going on a rant here for a sec...

Have you ever just got horny for no reason... like nothing sparked it or anything. It just happened. Well, that happened to me...

I was in school talking to my friends in art. And then I just got horny... and down there just started to get wet and uncomfortable. Then you know since I'm horny and a very dirty minded person. I started to imagine things. That just made it worse because then it started to throb.

So I was trying to get it to go way and at the same time not trying to make it obvious to my friends that I was horny. So I was kinda grinding on my chair. Then......

Ok so, my friends know about how kinky I am. They like to randomly pull my hair during class and such. Just to embarrass me. Well typically, I can choke down the moan.

Well, my friend decided to do this. While, I was horny. So they grabbed the roots of my hair and pulled down... I moaned so loud... everyone looked at me. The teacher stopped what they were saying and have me a very concerning look.

.... I have never been so embarrassed in my life..

Then, I smacked my friend really hard upside the head. Also, all my friends were laughing so hard that they were falling out of their seats and were crying.

I never forgave them for that...

Well, I hoped you liked that little embarrassing story of mine. Which is true btw. I still haven't forgave them.. Anyway, hoped you had a good laugh❤

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