31. Spiders & Anime

Start from the beginning

You pursed your lips.

"If a significant other is—"

"it's not what it looks like." You say quickly, cutting her off mid-sentence and sighed. "Just- Don't- it's fine. You don't have to worry about it." It's only this week. You thought at the end, twirling your thumbs together.

Muffet slightly bristled, her glasses slipping off her nose before she pushed it back up. Her hand moving to dip the cloth into the warm water. "Alright. I won't pry." She said, lightly grabbing your chin and lightly dabbed the bruise.

"Thank you..." you whispered.

She hummed softly. You knew that she wasn't convinced but you really didn't want to talk about it - not right now, anyways. What would she think of you if you told her? Would she blame you for your brother's actions?

It seemed unlikely - even now as she cleaned off your cheek, wiping away the heavy concealer. A twinge of anger flashed in her eyes before she went neutral.

"The donuts are heavily laced with healing magic, take it while I work on your ankle." The slight edge in her tone made you meekly nod. Knowing that her anger wasn't directed towards you, you slowly unraveled the bag, letting her slowly lift your leg to her lap and roll up the cuffs of your pants.

Biting into the fresh pastry, feeling it disintegrated in your mouth before you could swallow and taking another bite. The lingering tingle sending shivers down your spine as Muffet placed her palms around your ankle. Her eyes shut and a soft green glow emitting from her palms, sinking into your skin.

You watched in fascination, idly taking another bite of the pastry - your focus solemnly on the fading bruise.

"it is not broken but i'd advise not putting too much pressure on it until it fully heals on its own." She said, pulling her hands from your ankle to examine it. The bruise was partially gone - there was still faint colours of red and purple but it wasn't as puffy as it was mere seconds ago.

"No heels?" You asked.

Muffet huffed, shaking her hand with a soft laugh. "you cannot wear rollers but you can wear heels?"

Flushing in embarrassment, you pointedly took a large bite of the donut whilst avoiding eye contact as Muffet laughed.

"I assume they are small? Uniformed."

You nodded softly, swallowing the last bits of the pastry and brushed your hands together. Looking down at your ankle, you rolled it experimentally. A small sting running up your leg made you flinch - it was bearable, at least.

She gently picked up your leg and set it down, letting you sit up correctly as she stood and slowly rolled out the room. She returned with her middle arms cupped, holding a small spider in her palms as she sat next to you - the healing process was slow yet it did its job as the swelling on your cheek lowered, the discolouration slowly melting away like snow on warm skin.

Eyeing her hand, you leaned closer to look over her shoulder. She shook her head and chuckled.

"This is my cousin. We call him Agile," she paused, letting the small spider run down her hand to her lap. A small string of web connecting them before it snapped. Agile looking up between you and Muffet, he huffed almost comically, raising his from arms in the air and waddled left and right.

"...." you suppressed an 'aw' at the small spider. Unsure if Agile wanted to be intimidating or to show his dominance. Muffet's mouth moved, silent sounds coming from her as Agile lowered his arms, another huff forming from him as his.. mouth? Moved in reply to Muffet's words.

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