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Aloha: How would you food a food if the food is food? Drinks can drink, but foods won't food on their own food!

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Aloha: How would you food a food if the food is food? Drinks can drink, but foods won't food on their own food!

Aloha: How would you food a food if the food is food? Drinks can drink, but foods won't food on their own food!

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Mask: Whaaaat?

Army: Food isn't food? But it is, isn't it?!

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Army: Food isn't food? But it is, isn't it?!

Aloha: No, you could always drink a drink but food isn't meant to food at all~ You can't food food by itself

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Aloha: No, you could always drink a drink but food isn't meant to food at all~ You can't food food by itself. Or food a food.

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