Chapter 3 - The truth comes out

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The twins smile wickedly as they stand across Gabrielle. They can't wait to make her pay for what she did to them. Her abandoning them, leaving them behind to move to America.

Gabrielle keeps a straight face, something she learned a long time ago. She will let them get out whatever they want. She will of course not let them walk all over her. Why would she? Her grandma taught her better. She is a Carter, she must stand firm and never let anyone take her down.

"Again, no powers you two," the professor reminds the twins.

"Yea yea, whatever," Rin waves his hands.

"We will TRY not to hurt her. Too bad," Yukio adds.

Gabrielle rolls her eyes, she is so tired of their bs. She cracks her shoulders and knuckles before getting into a fighting stance. Her face still stoic, this irritates the twins to no end. Why is she so emotionless!? They both growl and go after her, she slides under Rin's legs, making him fall flat on his face. This pisses him off more, Yukio moves and kicks Gabrielle in her side, sending her into the wall. She grunts and stands up, she moves and punches Yukio in his chest, shocking him at how strong she is. This is not what they expected from her. Yukio staggers back as Rin stands up, both even more pissed than before. The two attack here again, this time though, Yukio vanishes and grabs her from behind.

"Shit!" Gabrielle swears 

Rin smirks as he punches her in the stomach over and over. He doesn't stop his attacks, even when they are being yelled at to stop. Gabrielle suddenly jumps and kicks Rin in his chest and flips over Yukio before punching him hard in his spine. Both fall to the floor before jumping back up and glare at Gabrielle. Gabrielle glares at them as well, her eyes now icy blue. She wipes her mouth, blood trickling down from her mouth. 

"You want to know what happened? I did not leave Japan willingly," Gabrielle says. "I was taken, and not even by my family. But by people who wanted to do something horrible to me and the world. It took me two years to get free. TWO YEARS of torture, I wanted nothing more than to be at your side. I wanted to be free, but when I finally was, I was broken."

The twin stay quiet, they want to believe she is lying, that she is making excuses, but......they can see she is not. Her eyes are showing her honesty, the pain, the torment, and the sorrow she holds. She walks past them and heads off back to their class room, her friends run after her to make sure she will be okay. She struggles down the hall, tears falling from her eyes for the first time in almost ten years. She could finally get out what happened to her all thoughts years ago, some of the pain is finally gone. But there is still so much more. 

The twins share a look before looking at their hands, some of her blood is on their hands. They thought they would be happy when they finally could get back at her, but they are not. They just feel worse, seeing the emotions in her eyes, seeing that she still cares for them....she is still the girl they remember. Yukio is the first to run out of the gym, he easily catches up with the group and pushes the others out of the way. Gabrielle barely has time to register Yukio is there before he hugs her.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbles. "You are still the girl I remember." 

Gabrielle's eyes widen, more tears fall from her eyes, she slowly hugs him back. Her face hiding in his shoulder. He keeps her close, he missed her scent, missed her touch, he missed her. Now she is here, she told him the truth.....

"What happened to you during those two years?" He demands. 

"I....I will tell you later, when we are not in public, okay?" Gabrielle whispers.

Yukio looks around and notice all of the exorcists around looking at them. He nods his head and takes her hand, pulling her with him. She doesn't fight him, why would she? Right now, he is using more of his strength this time. Rin notice that Yukio has Gabrielle with him, he shrugs and follows his brother to their dorm. Yukio pushes Gabrielle onto his bed, getting a glare from his brother. 

"Well, you can explain now," Yukio smirks. 

"You have no patients," Gabrielle teases with an eye roll. 

"You won't leave here until you tell us everything," Rin comments. "And trust me, we can find ways to have fun with you."

"W-well, I guess I should start from the last time we saw each other," Gabrielle hums.   

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