Chapter 2

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The next morning, the group of exwires are walking back to class after lunch when they notice the twins. They are laughing and chasing exorcists around.

"They are like children," Shima says.

"I doubt they had anyone to hang out with in Gehenna," Shieme comments.

"They act like kids," Bon huffs. 

"Wouldn't you if you were forced to be one way instead of who you really are?" Gabrielle asks. 

"They are demons, they will always be demons," Bon says as he crosses his arms. 

Gabrielle rolls her eyes and walks over to where the twins are. She can't just let them harass people whenever they feel like it. Sure they were raised to cause chaos, but they are still human too, she is going to help them remember who they were before. When she is closed to them, she grabs one of their shoulders. 

"That is enough Rin, let them get back to work," Gabrielle says sternly. 

Rin whips around and glares at her, normally his glares scare any demon or human. But Gabrielle? Her face doesn't change, the look in her eyes is still stern and unwavering. This causes Rin to pause. How can she still be so.....defiant to him? 

"Now," She sneers. 

"Never, I do whatever the fuck I want," Rin says, forcing her hand off his shoulder. 

"Either you do it now or I will make you."

"Oh and how are you going to do that?" 

Gabrielle grabs his arm and flips around, her legs wrap around his neck and she forces him to the ground. The adults and Yukio look in utter shock, as do her friends, they never saw her do anything like that before. She never really tried fighting in class, could she always fight like this? Gabrielle flips up and stands up, Rin looks up at her in shock, how did she do that? Yukio runs over and helps his brother up as she smirks at the two. 

"That is what I was goin to do bout it," Gabrielle sasses. 

"How...did you do that?" Yukio asks, Rin using his shoulder for support. He rubs his neck, feeling the pain from being forced to the ground.

"Lets just say, you aren't the only ones who were forced to be someone you're not," Gabrielle says before grabbing their ears. "Now we are going to class whether you like it or not."

"But-!" They try to object but Gabrielle forces them to class. 

Shima snickers as him and their friends follow Gabrielle as she drags the twins to class. Izumo smirks, she knows Gabrielle has always been strong, she is always holding back when they fight in class. They soon enter class and Shiro looks up, his eyes widen when he sees his niece dragging the boys in by their ears. They are both still complaining about being forced to class, especially by a human. 

"Now sit and no complaining!" Gabrielle orders. 

The twins huff and look away from her, this makes her smirk and she sits at her desk. The others sit down as Shiro clears his throat. He starts his lesson, keeping an eye on the twins as he teaches. He wants to make sure they do not kill another professor, they already scarred the students once, all but Gabrielle. Shiro is now worried for her, she seems to be.....indifferent to the twins actions. But why? Soon Shiro's class ends and everyone talks as Shiro leaves. 

"Where did you learn that move?" Shima asks Gabrielle. 

The twins look over to hear their old friend's response, they both want to get back at her for leaving them just before they were taken by their father. If she wasn't gone, they would have not gone through all of the shit in Gehenna. 

"My grandma had me train with certain people," Gabrielle says. "One of them taught me take down moves." 

"Certain people? Vague much?" Bon comments. 

"I will tell you someday....just not now. It is still hard for me to talk about," Gabrielle sighs. 

"Hard to talk about?" Konekomaru asks. 

Gabrielle stays quiet, this causes Yukio to look at her in confusion. Did something happen to her since they last saw her? He shakes his head, he doesn't care, she abandoned them, abandoned him. And he will give her what is coming to her. 

"This is boring!" Rin groans. "I want to go out and do something."

"You are not going anywhere Rin," Gabrielle hisses. 

"Who are you? My mom?" Rin sneers. 

"No, but I am your friend."

"Ha! No you're not! Not after what you did to Yukio and I!" Rin sneers.

Gabrielle goes pale, that's right, she.....what happened to her just before Satan took them both. Of course they would think she left them!

"Rin I-"

"Save it," Yukio growls. "You will pay for what you did at a later time."

"Alright, quiet down and pay attention," their professor orders.

(With Shiro)

"What the fuck do you mean it is confidential? When have you ever given a fuck about that Stark?" Shiro demands. 

"When it comes to her, I will give a fuck," Tony says. 

"Language," Steve scolds. 

"Anyway, I am her guardian, I don't have to tell you anything." 

"I'm her uncle!"

"Who lost custody because you let her get kidnapped."

"You know I did not mean fo-"

"Alright, you two are done," Natasha says. "You want to know, I am sure Gabrielle will tell you IF she wants you to know. Now go deal with the devil spawns before I do."

The call ends and Shiro is no closer to finding out what happened to his niece. He is so clueless on what happened to his own sons and now his own niece. He needs to learn more, he heads off to the abandoned boy's dorm and into the boy's room. He looks around to find anything to learn something about what happened to his sons. As he looks, he finds a journal inside Yukio's desk, he flips it open to see dates that goes back to the day after they were taken to Gehenna. He closes the book and places it in his pocket, he will have to read it later. He cleans the room quickly to make it look normal before leaving. He stops in front of Gabrielle's room. She is staying in the same building with them to try and help them. He opens her door to see a neat room, he smiles. He looks around to find anything that could help him learn what happened, he finds a wide variety of weapons. Unlike his sons, he does not find a journal, only weapons, pictures, and stuffed animals. He sighs and leaves the room. 

(Back in class)

"Finally! We can have some fun!" Rin smirks as they enter physical education. 

"That is if we get to fight today," Yukio says. 

"Today we will be fighting hand to hand combat, that means no powers you two," the professor says. 

The twins roll their eyes as their professor calls out the pairs. The twins grin wickedly as they are paired with Gabrielle. They will make her pay for what she did to them all those years ago. 

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