Chapter Seventeen: Waiting

Start from the beginning

"You slept with a demon." Seth said dryly.

"And you're still a virgin how?" Raziel asked.

"Demon's aren't as warm as you are, I'll admit. But man do they know how to seduce." I said.

"You can stop talking about him now." Ashton said disgusted.

"Why should I?" I asked my hands on my hips. "I'm not his."

"But you were with him." Ashton said.

"You were with Kara, Thalia, and hundreds of other girls. How do you think I feel? Don't like sharing do you? Yeah, neither do I." I said my amusement gone. "I dunno if you knew, but I'm pretty greedy with who I'm with. So if I meet Kara or any of your ex's for that matter, I will make them regret the night they climbed into bed with you. No, I haven't completely forgiven you yet, but I still love you, I'm still possessive of you-I've always been and I always will be. If you don't want some guy hitting on me and fucking me then I'd like you to leave other women alone, period. I know you'll get hit on, you're a severely attractive man, I understand. But understand this, I'm a severely attractive young woman, and technically I'm single." I said winking.

"You don't think I love you? You don't think I cherish you? You don't think I'm not possessive of you? You're the first girl I've ever shared my emotions with. You're the first girl I've bragged about. You're the only girl I've claimed. You've always been mine-even when you were with Caspian you were mine. I do love you, I do cherish you, I am possessive of you." Ashton said obviously offended.

"Prove it." I said standing in front of him.

"I've showed you sooo many times now." Ashton said shaking his head. "I can deal with your distance, I just don't want to. I can deal with you attempting to make me suffer though I've suffered enough, I just don't want to have to. I can deal with you bashing me, because I love it. Look, proving that I love you won't do anything for you-what you want is time. So, I'll give you time. I'll be away for a while, I'll give you all the time you need." Ashton said and walked away leaving me shocked.

"You're leaving me again?" I asked actually hurt.

"I know what I lost: your trust. You think that making me suffer will do it for you, but you know it won't work. You came into my room last night because your heart couldn't withstand the lack of our connectivity. You told yourself what you wanted to hear: "I don't forgive you" but how do you really feel? I'm not leaving forever, I'll just be at the Packhouse for a while. When you want me back, send for me." Ashton said and went to his room. I stepped back into the kitchen not knowing what to say. I was stunned up until I heard the front door shut.

"He left me again." I breathed. "I hate when he leaves me."

"Well, that was a weird argument." Callum said.

"Yeah, you guys briefly made up, now you're back where you started." Seth said.

"He left because you don't want him." Raziel said. "Why else won't you forgive him?"

"Besides he did tell us that you said that if you two weren't mates you wouldn't have went back to him, even if he asked nicely." Xenon said.

"You're just confused." Zyre said.

"Yeah, Ashton knows he wants you." Kyle said. "But you're not too sure about him, so put yourself in his shoes."

"H-what? Of course I want him, how could I not? He's the one who doesn't love me!" I said flinging my arms in the air.

"No, you still love him, and he loves you. You just don't... want to." Raziel said. "That's what's making you hold on to the past, the fact that he broke your heart and you don't want that same male in your life anymore."

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