"Then again, when the Mandarin bombed your house, I didn't know what happened or if you were okay until days after it was over. So yeah, I think through even my smallest actions, try to be sure I always end conversations positively or with an 'I love you' in case something happens, and ask for help when I'm in too deep. Because I don't want to feel like that or live with that guilt."

Dad stays quiet as he stands and approaches me with tears in his eyes. My knees give way under the pressure, and Dad is right there to catch me as we kneel on the floor and cry into each other.

"I'm so sorry, Lia." He whispers through the tears. "I'm so sorry that I did that to you."

"I'm sorry I never said it sooner, and I forgive you. You're my dad after all. Sometimes I just want to spend time with you and more than anything make you proud of me."

Dad pulls away immediately at the words and gives me a serious look, "Are you serious? I couldn't be more proud of you if I tried. You're exceptional, bug, just by being you." The tears that I thought had finally subsided return in full force as I pull him back into a tight hug, which makes him let out a soft chuckle. "What do you say we take the night off and spend some time together."

"I'd really like that, Dad." I whisper as a smile tugs at my lips. We don't say much else as we split up to pick something to watch and grab snacks. "How does Downton Abbey sound? Happy told me you've never watched it."

"If I agree does this mean I'm required to watch it with you two?" He questions as he offers me the bowl of popcorn. "'Cause I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"Because you're not." I tease and toss a few kernels in my mouth. "This is just the introduction phase, and maybe one day you'll be ready for our Downton Nights."

Dad laughs and lets me start the show as a comfortable silence settles around us. "Hey, bug." He calls a few episodes in, and I hum in reply, "I want to you to know, from now on, you can talk to me about anything. Even if it's about something I did, I want you to be feel okay with telling me. Okay?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." I tell him, but I know that while I'll certainly be able to talk to him about more now, there are some thing best left unsaid.

It goes quiet again between us as we return to watching the show and passing snacks between the two of us. "I love Sybil." I comment as she emerges on screen in her new 'dress,' which was really just a vintage form of a jumpsuit. "She's always so fearless with who she is and what she believes."

"Kind of reminds me of you." Dad comments with a smile, but there's worry and hesitation in it. "I want you to take a break from being Phantom for a bit."

"What?" I question and immediately turn to him with eyes wide with fear. "Why? Did I do something wrong? I mean, I know you were upset with me about earlier, but why?"

"Slow down and breathe." He tells me and rubs my back until my short panicked breaths become more even. "You're not in trouble, and this isn't a punishment. I just—I want you to take a little bit of time off, to remember what normal is. You're a teenager, you should be making me worry, but about what time you're getting home from a party or going out with boys, not getting yourself shot at."

"So what? I'm supposed to go to ragers and pretend I'm normal?"

"I don't want you to pretend, bug. All I want is for you to remember how extraordinary you are without a suit or powers. Just give it a week—for me?"

I try to come up with an argument, but the look on his face makes every ounce of resolve I had crumble into dust. As much as Dad tries to put on a tough front, I can see how much this worries him and why he's asking. I let out a heavy sigh and nod, "Okay. I'll take a break, but I'm keeping the suit for emergencies."

"I can live with that." He whispers with a smile and kisses the top of my head. "C'mon, let's get back to the show."

As the night continues on, I begin to realize just how much I missed having Dad around and spending time with him. It's felt like there was this huge rift between us ever since Germany and the Raft, but now, we're better than ever. I can't stop smiling at the thought as I prepare to crash in my coffin for at least a week.

I only make it about three steps away from the couch before Dad stops me though, phone in hand and a weird look on his face. "Here. Be normal, make a friend, learn all about him." He tells me as he presses my own phone into my hand and walks away with a call over his shoulder, "I expect a three page report about his life by the end of the week."

"Hello?" Someone calls from the other end of the line.

"Hi?" I question at a complete loss for what Dad's up to and who I'm talking to. "May I ask who this is?"

"I'm Harley," The boy replies, "Who are you?"

Dad gives me a nod, I sigh and debate what to tell the stranger that my dad wants to be my 'new friend.' "I'm Lia, Lia Stark."

"So you're Tony's daughter?" Harley questions with a twinge of awe in his tone. "How come I've never heard about you before? Are you adopted?"

My head spins with the continuous string of questions, "Woah, slow down. Yes, I am his daughter. No one's really heard about me, and I don't mind it that way. No, I'm not adopted, my mum just didn't tell either of us until I was older."

"Cool. So—what do you like to do?" Harley questions, and I let out a small laugh at his seemingly unending string of confidence and inquires. Dad offers a smile as he leaves, and I have to shake my head at him. While I his methods may seem unorthodox, they're usually quite effective.

Maybe he really is right. Maybe I do need to remember who I am as just Lia.

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