
71 17 5

Here's another day with endless leaves falling down,
I wonder if it's the season or everything around.

Like a fenced circle enclosing us, holding us away from from the niceties of the world.

I feel my heart clench watching you fight all that begin just with words.

If I could I'd steal you from everyone and take you to the moon,
Only if I could I would crown you king and watch you rule.

But here we are ever so numb with cold,
I don't know if it's because of the weather outside or the storm that our hearts hold.

They told me love is never simple, sometimes it makes you cry sometimes it's too good to be true.

All we need is to count on each other, all I need is to have a little faith in you.

Yet I watch you slip and I'm instilled too,
My heart's freezing my senses so I sit here and hope for you.

For if anyone can melt this curse away I know in my heart it's you,
But for how long and how far is your test in truth.

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