The Poisoned Chalice

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Tread lightly for your head will decorate the spike if they catch you,
And watch it shine under the moonlight pale and blue.

Don't touch, just stare,
Remember you're anything but rare.

For only the purest of bloodlines can bear the weight,
'Lest they'll challenge your broken fate,

Hold it only if you surpass nobility,
Don't fall for the glamour 'cause it's merely a painful responsibility.

It sits there glaring canons at you,
But don't give in to this enchantment designed only to destroy you.

I know it promises to dazzle your world,
Yet I swear it'll only stain you word by word.

Out of all the shimmering prospects it'll seem to call out your malice,
But by then it'll be too late to stop the poison you drank from the chalice.

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