"You excited for your first year Charlotte?" I asked her as she got closer. The tall blonde haired boy next to her, Colton, was entering his third year and was in Hufflepuff.

"Yes very!" she responded to me before walking over to Declan. The two got along really well. I wouldn't be surprised if Charlotte ended up in Gryffindor also. Caden, her brown haired twin brother, looked intimated at the train. Idella told me he was frightened about living away.

"You're going to love the library," Kent said to him. After the battle we offered to help reconstruct Hogwarts before we had to go back home. Mainly I just wanted to see what it looked like when it wasn't being brought down to ruins. The library was magnificent. Caden smiled softly at him and nodded. Mackenzie was already over talking a thousand miles a minute to Idella's tiny auburn hair daughter Callie. They loved each other and I was glad they would be beginning Hogwarts together in a few years.

The train signaled the first horn, which meant we had fifteen minutes left. "Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye?" Charlie said from behind us. He was holding onto the hand of his white blonde haired daughter Paisley who was only seven years old. Luna was holding four year old Xryis in her arms. They were too young to go to Hogwarts, but since Charlie and Luna were the godparents for a few of our kids they always came to say goodbye.

It was hard to see them go. I knew they were safe and going to have a brilliant time at Hogwarts, but I would miss them. "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" Ellis said hugging the two of us. He went to go and join some of his other friends dressed in blue scarves.

"Goodbye, have fun and write!" I called to him knowing he would. Ellis was good at keeping us updated with occasional letters. Declan walked over to me looking eager to go. "Don't forget to write us and tell us all about your first day," I said embracing him quickly. He then hugged Kent. "Bye sweetie! Be careful."

"And don't forget to start preparing for Quidditch!" Kent called jokingly, knowing that first years did not normally make the team. He was always trying to convince Declan to get into Quidditch due to his athletic ability, and Declan couldn't wait to do so. I would not be shocked if I found out he made the team somehow. Apparently they were more lenient on letting first years try-out for the team ever since Harry Potter's first year.

As the kids were boarding the train we spotted Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny watching their children board the train. We walked over towards them, greeting them all. Idella of course remained very close with them all due to their relation. Charlie saw them the least, but was still very friendly with them. Hermione and I remained great friends. The summer before we both went back to school, we would meet up and try to catch up on all the work we missed. She was very easy to study with since she was so organized. Harry and Kent were conversing over Quidditch. "Selina is here," Mackenzie announced happily.

Selina and I saw each other only a few months after the battle back at school. Despite her hatred of school, she wanted to finish it. Cole and her married of course. I always knew they would. The two moved to Ireland with their three daughters. She ended up working for the Daily Prophet in a very high position. She liked being in control and spreading news, so it was the perfect job for her.

Waving over to her, she simply waved back. Selina and I were friendly when we came in contact, but never went out of our way to meet up. Cole didn't look over at us, but I was assuming that was because of Harry and the rest. "I'll see you winter break," her oldest daughter Hallie called. She was tall and had the same blonde hair as Selina. She then left with her boyfriend. I watched Cole give the poor kid a very dangerous look and he immediately took steps away from Hallie. She turned to give her father an annoyed look causing him to smirk back. Selina had Hallie the year after we graduated, unexpected, but they spoiled her nonetheless.

"Wait for me Hallie," Zoe called following behind her sister. Both were in Slytherin house. Zoe was only going into her third year and loved following Hallie around. Surprisingly, Hallie seemed to like the attention from her younger sister as well because she waited for her. "Bye!" Zoe called swinging her platinum hair over her shoulder and waving to her parents.

"I'm going over to Selina and Kylie," Mackenzie said to me. For some odd reason, Mackenzie adored Selina. With an excess of clothing in that house they were always giving outfits to Mackenzie. Kenz looked up to Hallie and Zoe. Their youngest daughter Kylie was one of her best friends. Selina was keeping Mackenzie with her until I got out of work.

"Alright, tell them I say hello and have fun," I said to her. "Be good, love you."

"Love you," she called while walking over towards Selina who hugged her. Kylie let go Cole's hand and looked excited to see Mackenzie. Her blue eyes were icy, just like Cole's. Mackenzie and Kylie broke into conversation with Selina. They could spend hours gossiping about unpublished Daily Prophet article's all day. It was embarrassing my nine year old knew more news than me sometimes.

"Where did she come from again?" Kent asked with a laugh pointing over towards her. I shook my head.

"Who knows," I answered with a laugh. As the train took off we waved to our children looking out at us from the windows. "Do you ever imagine what it would have been like going to Hogwarts?" Going to Salem was great but it was a small school with stricter rules. Hogwarts seems completely different.

"Maybe not during our time," Kent added. "But it would have been nice."

"You would have been in Gryffindor," I said to him. "I would have been in Ravenclaw. I wonder how we would have met." He looked at me and laughed.

"Hmm...Library, Room of Requirement maybe," Kent said. "But they don't offer Medical Approaches here."

"Speaking of Medical Approaches, we need to get to work," I said noticing the time.

"That we do," he agreed realizing it as well. "See you all soon." Everyone said their goodbyes and then the two of us were off. Nineteen years ago I wouldn't have predicted my life to be like this, but I was glad it turned out the way it did.

The end! Thanks for reading. I loved writing this story and doing a different spin on things. Hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think! x

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