You fucked up man

Începe de la început

"What do you want? Who are you?" I ask him

He comes up to me and I stand up

With a whisper, he says

"Ashley, it's me. Ace."

I am not able to say anything for a few seconds. I just stare at him. His face structure, his crystal blue eyes, his smile. He looked like Ace but didn't at the same time. This was Ace. This is Ace!

"Ace?" I ask

"Ya, that's me. I prefer to be called Liam now" He says with a smile

"But, but how?" I question, still in shock.

"Do you remember what we talked about before my surgery? How I was preparing to go for 'surgery' and then ended up in a car accident? Do you remember how we talked about what the real plan would be?" he says reminding me

Before his car accident, Ace had told me of a plan and idea he had.


I look at Ace after telling me of his plans of marrying Alexandra to inherit all he has just incase his surgery does not succeed. Has he lost his mind? He just met the girl!

"What if the surgery is successful? What will you do when you come back? Get a divorce?" I ask

He pauses for a moment. Then he looks at me with excitement gleaming in his eyes

"What if I don't come back....." he says with a smirk

"What the hell are you talking about Anderson! You have lost your mind!" I yell

"No no no, just listen. This could be an amazing opportunity to escape from this life. To change things for the better. I can finally live the free and carefree life I've always wanted. I can live without having to be 'Ace Anderson'!" He says

"Ok well, what are you saying we do? change your last name? change your first name?" I ask with confusion

"Kill me. That's the only way. We fake my death in a car accident. Make the whole world believe I'm dead." he says

End of Flashback

"But we never agreed to follow that plan! I was never part of any of it. You only told me you wanted to do this. You never gave me details!" I yell

"Ya but you see, that was the whole point. I knew that if I told you, everything would fall apart. You were my only connection to this life who could make others believe I was actually dead. After you left that day, I called a friend of mine in Germany. He runs a secret business that is very confidential so he agreed to send a few of his men to create the accident and pick me up. They took me to Germany where they performed the surgery I needed. My friend's company also had a private hospital with one of the world's best doctors who took care of me. No offence Ashley. After I got better, they started working on my face. I got face surgery. I obviously don't look the same as how I used to but they did a darn good job. I mean, look at me! I look better than before!" he says and starts laughing

"Anyway, so after my face surgery, it took time for me to heal and get better. I was able to change my identity. Who I was, what my name was, where I was born, what I do for a living etc. I'm loving my life. I can't believe how good it feels to be this free!" he says with a smile

I look at him with disbelief in my eyes

"you don't believe me do you?" he asks

"no Liam, I don't. How do I not know you're not just bullshitting some lies here!" I ask in rage

He stands up suddenly and lays his arm in front of me

"Do a DNA test. You have records of my blood from before. Do a fucking DNA test and see if I'm lying!" he says angrily.

I call a few nurses and we take a few blood samples. I wanted to do this instantly so I had Janice cancel a few of my patients. I was gonna need time with Liam. We take the samples to our Lab and test the results while Liam was waiting in my office. An hour later, I am able to match them to Ace's DNA.

It was a match.

This was Ace Anderson. He was not dead. He was right here.

I walk back to my office and storm inside with my blood boiling.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" I yell and throw a punch in his face

He turns holding his nose which started bleeding


I start to pace back and forth in my room with my hands on my head. I had tears streaming down my fucking face.

"Do you know, how much I fucking cried. How hurt I was? Do you? All this time I thought you were fucking dead! Not even a phone call, nothing! How could you do this!" I yell at his face

He was about to speak but I cut him off

"Do you know how much damage your death caused! You RUINED Alex! You fucking ruined her life Ace! Did you not even for a second think about Alex? Your 'wife'!" I yell even more

"She cried for 5 months. 5 endless months of crying. She wouldn't stop. She had panic attacks. She fell into severe depression. She didn't come out of her room for 4 whole weeks after the accident. Do you know how hurt she was? How much hate she received from people you know? Your parents, your ex-fiance. Do you know how much she had to go through after being dumped upon with all your shit that you didn't want to deal with anymore? You left her your life. Your money. Your things. And just left." I say and let out all of my steam

"You really fucked up man. You fucked up everyone just to make yourself feel good" I say

He doesn't say anything. He just stares at the ground.

"Ashley, I'm sorry," he says

I let out a puff of air and start to calm myself

"I have patients to get to. You can wait outside until I'm done but we need to continue this later" I say

"I understand. I'll wait in the waiting room till your done" He says while wiping his nose and cleaning up the blood

What the hell was happening....

He's back! Ace isn't dead! But....
He did a lot of damage.
Continue reading to see what happens next
Bye for now 💋

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