"What, that we're married?" He asked with a smile.

She nodded as her smile widened. "Not that I'm complaining or anything!"

He hummed playfully before laughing as she smacked his arm. "I know, I know! But really..."

His features softened as he said, "I can't even begin to describe how happy I am right now, being married to you."

Her heart fluttered as she leaned against him and smiled happily. "We're finally there."

"Finally," He said quietly, resting his chin on top of her head.

They danced quietly together for the remainder of the song, but then there was the sound of someone clearing their throat and Hermione looked up before laughing.

"Excuse me," Ginny said in a sarcastically haughty tone. "...But I think it's my turn to dance with the bride!"

Draco laughed loudly at this and spun Hermione out of his arms and into Ginny as the three of them laughed. A more lively song came on and the two girls happily danced together as Draco backed off the dance floor and found Blaise, who had suddenly reappeared after a noticeable disappearance.

"So," Hermione started, smirking at her best friend. "I hear that-"

"-You and Ginny went off snogging," Draco said with a raised eyebrow to Blaise. "Right after the ceremony."

Blaise avoided the groom's eyes as he took a sip from his glass and watched the two girls dancing on the floor.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ginny said quickly to Hermione. "I was setting up this dance!"

"Mhmm," Hermione said skeptically. "Is that why neither Pansy nor I could find you within the past ten minutes?"

The tips of Ginny's ears turned red as she muttered, "Alright, I'm starting to regret stealing you from your husband for a dance."

Hermione laughed and then shook her head. 

Blaise watched the girls while still avoiding his friend's eyes. "I was simply talking to her about best man and maid of honor things."

Draco scoffed and grabbed his glass from the table before taking a sip. "You can deny all you want. It's no secret."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Blaise shrugged.

"We were just talking," Ginny insisted. 

Hermione raised an eyebrow at her best friend and gave her the most skeptical look that she could. Ginny ended up looking down at the floor and feigned missing a step so that she would trip.

"Oops," The red head muttered.

"You can 'oops' all you want but we know the truth," Hermione teased. Then she gave her friend an earnest look and said, "Look, both Draco and I think you and Blaise would be good for each other."

"Seriously, you two balance each other out so well," Draco said. Then he tilted his head and said, "Not gonna lie, it would've been nice if you had waited to be so obvious about your feelings until after the wedding, but..."

He shrugged and nearly missed Blaise muttered, "She started it."

"Wait, wait, wait," Hermione said with a laugh. "You're telling me that Blaise Zabini, the reserved partner of my now-husband's firm, pulled you into a broom closet and just began snogging you?!"

"Well when you put it that way it sounds so sudden," Ginny said as she crinkled her nose. "We talked beforehand!"

"What did you say? 'What a beautiful wedding...?"

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