"Well they sound like great people."

I looked over at him and laughed, if only he knew what was about to unfold at this little family get together.

"Are there going to be any kids my age there?" Connor asked.

"Yes. My cousin Linda has three kids, two boys and a girl, who are around your age. And I'm positive there will be other kids there too. Plus there's a trampoline and skateboards and lots of other fun things there too."


I smiled at his short response. I'm positive he is going to enjoy himself, because if there is anything those kids know how to do, it's have fun. I looked over at Ben as he quickly glances at me. He holds out his hand, palm up, and I happily oblige to hold his hand. He smiles at me and I blush and return the smile. My heart picks up at the warmth and comfort I feel from holding his hand. I lay my head back and look out the window at the passing scenery.

Well we finally made it. Ben's car pulls into the driveway of my childhood home and I am immediately hit with nostalgia. It feels absolutely great to be home and I make up in my mind that I'll try my hardest to get here more often. We exit the car and stretch simultaneously. I walk around the car and I smile at Ben and Connor as we make our way up the five brick steps of the house. I knock on the door and stand back as Ben grabs my hand and Connor stands at my side. I hear heavy footsteps approach the door and my heart leaps at seeing my father. He opens the door and the smile he gives makes me want to cry.

"Well ain't God good. Miranda! We missed you around here," he said as he pulled me in for a tight embrace.

I was filled with joy at hugging my father after so long. I really should visit more often. I pulled back from the hug and smiled up at my father and he smiled down at me. His eyes soon darted to behind me where Ben and Connor stood watching the exchange.

"Dad, this is Benjamin Warren, my boyfriend, and Connor his nephew. I asked them to come with me," I smiled at Ben and Connor as they both looked a little nervous.

"Hello sir, it's nice to meet you," Ben said as he shook my father's hand.

"This is Conner."

Connor gave a timid hello and a slight wave of his hand.

"Its great to meet y'all. I'm James Bailey. Come on in. We're glad you could make it."

So far so good. We walked in and were immediately met with the smell of cake. My mother had to be in somewhere in the kitchen.

"Your mother's in the kitchen. She insisted on making the dessert herself."

"I wouldn't have expected it to go any other way," I laughed as my father shook his head with a slight smile on his face.

We made our way to the kitchen that was straight down from the front door.

"Hey James I'm almost done and I promise I'll get ready," my mother said as she was applying the last touches to a cake.

"Well you better hurry because you don't have much time," I said.

She froze and turned around. When she saw me, she put down the utensil she was using on the cake and wiped her hands on the flower print apron that she wore. I smiled at her as she slowly walked towards me with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mandy, baby you made it," she said as she removed the apron.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world mama."

She pulled me into a hug and squeezed me, I squeezed her back as hard as I could. I had missed my parents terribly over these last months but I never really knew how much I'd missed them. Especially this woman that was hugging me with everything she had in her small body. She pulled away and wiped at the tear that had fell on her cheek. I smiled down at her as she was a little shorter than me because I had on heels. She glanced behind me and saw Ben and Connor.

How Miranda got Her Groove Back  (benley short story)Where stories live. Discover now