"Hey, Tats! Did they start the meeting yet?" Saitama-Sensei questioned, waving to the short woman sitting on the bench with her legs crossed. I glanced back at the taller of the two sisters, making sure she wasn't too tired. If this meeting was as dire as Sitch made it out to be, then we would require all the assistance we could have.

Odd. It appears that the technology Doctor Kuseno installed within me is functioning, allowing me to use language more commonly used amongst people today. I feel...a bit odd using this slang, yet it is both comforting and comfortable to use. My shoulders relaxed a bit, seeing the curvaceous woman nod, indicating a lack of fatigue. However, I noted a few beads of sweat drip down, and consequently grabbed a water bottle out of the backpack I carried along with me to hand to her.

"No, not yet," she shook her head, getting up from the bench. "Hey, Fubuki." She put her phone away and focused her gaze on Saitama-Sensei.

"They're supposed to start it in a few minutes. You guys wanna come up and go there now?" When we nodded in response, she turned towards the door.

"What if they try to kick me out since I'm not a S-Class hero?" Fubuki tried to reason, yet her sister turned around long before I could try to reassure her.

She seemed to have a slightly bloodthirsty smirk on her face, and I knew then that she practically had the Hero Association under her thumb at that point, "They really won't. I don't think they'll care if I try to bring my little sister into there, and they certainly aren't gonna stop me." I turned towards Fubuki, who just raised an eyebrow at her. However, I was surprised to see her gaze go to Saitama-Sensei next, as if he was to blame for this aggressiveness. From what I know, she was aggressive long before she met Saitama-Sensei.

I nudged her side a bit, whispering slightly indignantly as I defended Saitama-Sensei, "Why do you think he's to blame for this? Wasn't your sister like this before she met him?" In retrospect, it came out harsher than I expected, but the reaction was just as unexpected.

Fubuki giggled a tad bit after staring at me dumbfoundedly, and I had realized then that I had completely misinterpreted the situation at hand considering her laughter, "Oh my god, Genos, you really thought she's getting worse? Compared to a few months back, she's an angel now!" I must have had a shocked expression, as she waved it off considering how she did believe it.

I retorted, "Then why glance at Saitama-Sensei? What does he have to do with this?"

"Isn't it obvious? She clearly has something for him, and he's clearly done something to her even if he hasn't noticed it! He's practically made her 2000 times nicer, and I'll take it!" She jested, smiling. As we entered the elevator, I had noticed she was correct. Saitama-Sensei and Tornado had practically diverted into their own conversation, and Fubuki and I had done so as well.

Heading up to the elevator, I started to joke around with Fubuki, making both of us smile. A small alert appeared within my peripherals, and I read the notification, which said, "Facial heat increasing. Cheeks slowly becoming a light hue of pink." That was odd. I searched up possible causes, and the first result was "Blushing causes: Romance, love interest, illness, near death..." the list had went on, though I cared not to go on as we exited the elevator. I walked through the hallway with my companions, coming across a familiar face.

"It's nice to meet you again," Bang greeted us with a keen smile. "Though I wish it could have been under better circumstances."

"As it is to see you, Bang," I returned his greeting. "I suppose we are to head to the meeting room now?" The older man nodded, and I continued. "Would it be fine for Fubuki to accompany us?"

"I believe it would be okay, as long as the other heroes are okay," Silver Fang laughed after that. "Though, I don't think many people are going to go against the Tornado of Terror, even in terms of the S-Class."

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