Chapter One-

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Riverkit gave her silver fur a shake as her father placed her on the ground. Taking a glance around the wide clearing. Her eyes landed on a small puddle. Riverkit padded towards the water. Something seemed different with this water.
It wasn't clear and cold like the water back in the clan. This was dark, colors swirled around on the inky surface.
"Riverkit! Don't touch that!" Thistleheart mewed quickly, bounding to his daughter's side. "See the long tracks that this puddle is in?" He asked pointing with his tail to long straight dents in the marshy ground.
"Those are monster tracks." The tabby warrior explained gently. "That means that this puddle is filled with poisonous water."
Riverkit's eyes widened and she backed away. Her ears flattened she looked up at her father.
Thistleheart purred in amusement, pulling Riverkit close with his tail. His eyes clouded with grief as he scanned the clearing.
Riverkit watched as his fur stand on end. "Riverkit, run into that bush." He snapped under his breath, pointing with his tail to a small heather bush. Riverkit didn't move.
Her father stepped over her as four strange cats approached. She watched the cats from the safety of Thistleheart's legs.
"Hello." The first cat, a ginger and white tom, mewed challengingly. "You are a clan cat, correct?" He hissed, circling the tabby tom.
Thistleheart met the tom's glance, "and you four are mangy kitty pets, correct?"
"Watch it!" A pale sandy brown she-cat yowled, as she lunged.
Riverkit gave a startled wail and backed into her father's hind leg.
Thistleheart swatted the cat to the ground with a heavy blow to the head. She fell like a wet leaf and stared at him through wide eyes.
"Bird!" A small white she-cat wailed, racing over to her friend. "You killed her!"
Bird raised her head, "I'm fine.." She rasped, struggling to her shaky paws.
Thistleheart snarled at her and wrapped his tail around Riverkit.
The ginger and white tom leaped at them from behind.
Whirling around he feared up, revealing a terrified Riverkit. Thistleheart slammed his front paws down on the tom's back.
Thistleheart let out a loud yowl as he was knocked to the side by the fourth cat, a huge black tom with a shredded ear.
Riverkit sprang to her paws and tried to run over to her father. She was tackled by the white cat. All of the moves Wolfpaw had showed her slipped from her mind. All she could do was flail desperately under the weight of her attacker. Letting out a piteous wail, she went limp.
Thistleheart rolled over, pinning the black tom, his claw dug into his broad shoulders. With one last cuff across the face, he leaped off and slammed into the white cat's side.
The she-cat flew across the clearing and landed with a sickening thud a few fox lengths away.
Riverkit mewled as her father lifted her off the ground. She squeezed her eyes shut as they began to race across the field. Opening them again her eyes widened. This was her new life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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