"I'm going to take my pin out my curls and then I'll be ready." He went to go see who was at the door and I went to the bathroom to take my curls down with Princess by my side talking to me. King came back upstairs about ten minutes later.
"That was my little brother Prince he was checking to see was we ready for my mom." I added a little lip gloss and grabbed my purse and was ready we all walked down stairs and to the car I was getting nervous all over again. This would be my first time meeting everyone and it's at my baby shower that King surprise me with.
"I'm getting nervous again. King is your whole family going to be there?" I hated meeting new people and it's going to be a lot of people.
"Everything is going to be fine when we get home I will show you the surprise I got for you." He grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his he brought it up to his lips and kissed it.
"Okay." I sat back and just relaxed and enjoyed the ride to the baby shower it was about a thirty minute ride. The parking lot was packed with cars when we got there you could hear music playing. I was getting more nervous I just hope everyone likes me.
"Relax you will be fine Nyla." I guess King read my face expression.
"Okay." But I couldn't relax I just had a million thoughts going through my mind there is a lot of questions they might ask that I'm not sure how to answer of if I even wanted to answer. He helped Princess out the car then he came over to me and opened my door and helped me out. He picked Princess up while he held my hand and we walked into the hall where everyone was waiting for us.

"You like everything so far?" King asked me I nodded my head yes I was sitting down because my feet was hurting

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"You like everything so far?" King asked me I nodded my head yes I was sitting down because my feet was hurting.
"This is beautiful this was really nice I really appreciate this King why do you always do everything so right." I laughed. I had met his brother Prince and his aunt his mom was busy keeping everything organized and his sister wasn't her yet. Everyone else said hello I was really shy there was other kids around so Princess was running around with them.
"I'm going to go smoke quick with the guys you going to be okay." King asked.
"Yes go ahead I'll be fine." He kissed me and went outside with his brother and friends.

I sat there on my phone I've been getting weird messages lately I know that have to be from Elijah I just read them I don't write back. Of course he been threading me and telling me he going to do all these bad things to me once he catches me.
I was going to tell King but I just don't even have the energy to deal with Elijah. Like after all he is the reason we not together he is the reason he won't see his son not me. I will never bring my son to see Elijah because I know that won't end good. Elijah will probably kill me and my baby because he already telling me he is. He was to busy pleasing the next girl and making sure her and her baby was okay I was his fiancé he didn't come to none of my appointments but one King was there with me not him. I think I'm just going to ask King if he can get my number changed because I'm scared of Elijah and I don't want him to find and kill me.

"Hey you must be Nyla?" Some girl ask she must be King little sister.
"Yes I am and you are?" Not to sound rude but I didn't know her. And reading those messages Elijah sent me kind of messed up my mood.
"I'm King little sister Bella." I smiled at her she was pretty you can tell they were related some how.
"Well as you know I'm Nyla it's nice to meet you." I smiled while saying it.
"Where is King at?" She asked she had an nasty attitude like I didn't like her vibe at all.
"He is outside with the boys." She just nodded her head.
"Mommy where is daddy at I fell." Princess came Up to me with a couple tears falling from her eyes. She tore her stocking a little bit but she wasn't bleeding so that was good.
"He outside baby let me check you knee." I looked at it and it wasn't scratched or anything.
"Mommy?" His sister asked.
"Uh yeah why you sound so surprised." I was just getting bad vibes from her and to be honest I didn't feel like dealing with her attitude.
"Your not her mother that's why I'm surprised. How long you and King been together because I know it hasn't been that long and he already letting his daughter call you mommy." I was taken back by all the animosity she has.
"It doesn't matter how long we been together me and his business is me and his business. I don't know you and this is not the place for drama so I would appreciate it if you leave from my personal space."
"Well when it comes to my niece it is my business. And I don't think she should be calling some random mommy." I didn't even answer her I got her and grabbed Princess hand and walked outside to get King she was making me upset and I don't need that negativity right now.
"King." I called out to him I guess by the tone of my voice he knew something was wrong.
"What happened is Princess okay?" He picked her up.
"Princess fell but she didn't hurt herself but that's not why I'm out here. Your sister is being really rude and I don't want to disrespect anyone but she has one more time to say something that I don't like."
"What the fuck did she say?" He got upset right away I guess he knew his sister.
"She asked why you allow Princess to call me mommy saying we don't know each other that long and that I'm just some random chick. I didn't disrespect her she just came in being rude right away."
"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked back inside the hall he looked around for his sister and we went right up to her.
"Bella why you starting shit already you don't even know her to even be saying shit to her. It's none of your business what me and her do stay the fuck out of it." King yelled I've never seen King mad so I was a little scared.
"So she ran to you like a punk ass bitch she can't handle it herself."
"Excuse me."
"She fucking pregnant she don't got time to be arguing with you."
"Yeah pregnant with a baby that's not yours."
"Bella that's enough." His mom yelled. Everyone was quiet and looking at us I was completely embarrassed at this point. I didn't need everyone in my business. I wanted to leave I didn't even want to stay here at this baby shower any more.
"Can I have the keys to the car I'm just
Going to go home." King took the keys out and gave them to me I waddled all the way out of there as fast as I can I could hear Kings mom yelling at his sister.

I sat in the car and cried because one I was embarrassed and two that hurt my feelings. She said as if I didn't know who my baby father was. She doesn't know what I been through all the pain and suffering I went through. She don't know all the hurt all the bruises and hospital visits I had. All the depression I went through losing my first baby she don't know how many times I wanted to hurt myself because I was tired of living scared. If it wasn't for King I would probably had an miscarriage already or Elijah would have put his hands on me and I would have went through all that pain all over again. No one knows what I been through King doesn't even know everything I've been through. I have no friends no family my life was a living hell before King. Elijah ruled my every move I couldn't even think without him making a decision for me. I refused to let anyone take my happiness from me. King makes me happy he is my happiness so instead of running away I am going to stand up for myself. After I calmed down I went back into the building to give his sister a piece of my mind.

"Oh Nyla I'm so sorry about Bella." King mom Mrs. Melody said to me. She hugged me and apologize again before telling me where King was. But I wasn't looking for him I was looking for Bella.
"Look you don't know the half of what I've been through okay so before you ever decide to spread my business know what your talking about first. Your right this is not Kings baby it's my ex fiancé baby who almost killed me 3 times put me in the hospital numerous times. He killed my first baby literally beat the baby out of me. He cheated on me with my best friend and other girls. He took me from family my mother and father doesn't even talk to me in years. I got my ass whooped every single day for years and I still decided to stay with him because I thought he loved me I thought he could change. King has been a good friend to me since I've met him. He went to every single appointment with me he was by my side he was the friend I needed he was the shoulder for me
To lean on. It just so happened that we fell in love with each other. He helped me out of my bad situation when I needed it the most." It felt good to finally express my feelings I'm tired of being pushed around.

"Okay Nyla lets go my mom said she will bring the gifts home we can leave." Me King and Princess walked to the car I could tell King was still upset because his sister ruined the baby shower.
"I'm sorry Nyla I told my mom not to invite her but she didn't want her to feel left out she always ruin everything all the time. She is different than me Prince I'm sorry I'll make it up to you." King apologize but I'm honestly not mad.
"It's okay its not your fault she act up. Yes I'm a little embarrassed because she just told everyone our business but I don't care. I'm not going to let anyone stop my happiness no more. If you still want to be in this relationship knowing this baby not yours then I'll be more than happy to be with you. If you want to become friends again and just be that I'll be more than happy to it's up to you."
"Nyla of course I want to be with you it don't bother that the baby is not biologically mines. I'm a man yes I do things that defines me as a bad guy but my mother taught me well and I'm a man before anything. I love you and my daughter loves you who ever don't like it oh well. My mother and father loves you so the people who I love loves you is all that matters. We in this together."
"I love you King I really do." I looked at him with a big smile on my face.
"I love you too Nyla."
"I love you daddy I love you mommy." Me and King buster out laughing Princess came out of no where with that.
"We love you too Princess." I said to her.
"Are you ready for your brother Princess?" King asked her.
"But daddy I want a sister." She pouted. King looked at me.
"Well for now your getting a brother baby girl and maybe later you will get a sister okay."
"Okay." She went back to playing with her tablet.
"Maybe later she will get a sister?" King looked at me I giggled a little.
"Yeah maybe later like in 2 years or so." I winked at him.
"Alright I'll hold you to that." We drove home in a comfortable silence. I think we all was just tired from the shenanigans earlier.
"What is the surprise you had for me King?" I asked him when we got settled in the house.
"Let's change our clothes and then I'll show you." After we went upstairs and changed he put a bling fold on me and walked me some where.
"You ready?"
"Yes I'm getting anxious hurry King I want to see." He took the blind gold off me and we was in a dark room until he cut the light on. I was definitely surprised by this. King did the guest room over into the baby room I started crying right away. I've been extra emotional lately I guess it was because no one has ever treated me this good.
"Oh my god King how did you do all of this without me noticing." Everything was in the room he had a closet full of clothes and shoes, pampers wipes everything you can think about it was stocked in the room. It was a crib on one side and a bassinet on the other side a car seat a tv. The room was perfect.
"I just wanted to do this so you don't have to worry about nothing. I wanted you stress free during the rest of your pregnancy so we can have a healthy baby." I hugged him so damn tight I forgot I was pregnant for a minute.
"I have to get you something you done way to much for me King."
"All I want from you is to just be here with me and keep it real with me that's all." I hugged him again he really have been so good to me. I'm so glad King Saved me.

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