Please don't forget about Lui...

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Zac: Hey Xander. Can we get some ice cream 'cuz it's really hot today.

Xander: Okay but all of us must go together.

Shu: I'll follow you guys 'cuz I'm bored.

Xander: Ok.

*at the ice cream shop...*

Xander: So, what ice cream flavor that you want?

Zac: I want orange flavor, please?

Shu: I want the strawberry flavored one.

Xander: Okay so we will take 1 orange, 1 strawberry and 1 chocolate ice cream, please?

The worker: Ok.

*after paying the ice cream and on the way to their place....*

Xander: Hmm... I feel like we forgot to buy ice cream for someone but who?

Shu: And who may that be?

Zac: I don't know. *unlock the door*  *see Lui sitting at the couch*

Lui: You guys forgot about me. *sulk*

Shu: Well Xander, at least you remember who you didn't buy ice cream for...

Lui: *sulking*

Poor Lui.....

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