~Ch.6: Connections and Trust~

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Silverstripe swam through the current, searching for some signs of civilization below her.

There! That must be it! she thought, spotting what looked like a collection of huts made from stone and coral.

Several groups of dragons swam about the settlement in neat formations as though practicing drill, and Silverstripe could see a few lone dragons scurrying about, cleaning huts or sending supplies across the settlement. Silverstripe even recognized a couple as fellow pearl hunters swimming solo in the settlement.

Silverstripe broke out of the current and slowly sank to the ocean floor. She swam through the streets of the settlement, checking faces as she passed. Many dragons had scars or pieces of armor on them. Silverstripe pondered for a moment why they hadn't taken it off since swimming with armor was much more difficult than without.

There he is! Silverstripe thought as she recognized Turquoise. He appeared to be talking to another SeaWing in Aquatic, one with turquoise colored scales like his, but darker.

Whoa!!! That dragon is huge!!! Silverstripe thought as she saw the other SeaWing. She has to be as big as Morrowseer!

The large SeaWing wore a gold trident strapped to her back, and bore a few small scars on her body. From what Silverstripe could see, this dragon definitely knew battle, and she seemed to radiate a sense of authority that affected all of the dragons within a fair distance from her.

The SkyWings are retreating from our territory, Commander, Turquoise flashed to the large SeaWing. They're moving their troops into the Mud Kingdom now.

That's very good, Turquoise, the commander flashed. Keep checking for remaining troops by the islands, though. Just because Queen Scarlet's moving on to the MudWings doesn't mean she's given up on our territory yet.

Yes, Commander Tempest, Turquoise flashed.

I have to go take care of the troops now, Commander Tempest flashed. Those young rookies think it's party-time whenever I'm away, ha!

Turquoise nodded and laughed, sending a small flurry of bubbles floating through the water. Yes, Commander, he flashed.

Tempest swam away, and Turquoise looked around.

Oh, hey, Abyss! Turquoise flashed, his face quite literally lighting up. How's everything going? Settling in and adjusting okay?

Silverstripe nodded, and took one of his talons to pull him to the surface.

Turquoise blushed as they swam, and once they had broken the surface, Silverstripe asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," Turquoise said, turning a little redder.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," Turquoise said reassuringly. "So, how are you?"

"I'm good; I'm adjusting pretty well," Silverstripe replied. "My group gathered our quota of pearls this morning, so I'm off the rest of the day."


Silverstripe ducked as a wave crashed over their heads.

"Do you want to go to an island?" Turquoise asked after the wave had passed. "It might be a little easier to chat there."

"Sure!" Silverstripe shouted as another wave crashed over their heads.

"There's one closeby. Follow me," Turquoise said, diving under the surface again and swimming east.
Silverstripe followed close to his tail as he led her to a small island, probably a sandbar that had risen above water level.

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