1-The Shi'nen

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Morning arrived with the sun peeking over the horizon, Jade was awoken by the birds chirping their songs. She hastily got up and tried her best to not wake the others as she walked over to the living room but to her surprise, the blonde-haired boy was behind her with his brown eyes barely open, he was visibly tired. 

"Morning Jade... I have something to discuss with you and the others when they awake." Kai said with an ecstatic grin plastered on his face, making his tired eyes pop out more. Jade's eyes had a small glimmer of excitement in them as Kai was the one who made adventures interesting, so she thought he had another crazy story to tell.

Kai had the grin on his face as he went to grab a slice of bread to eat. Today was going to be an incredible day for the group, what an adventure they had ahead of them. Soon when all the others woke up they all gathered in the living room to hear what Kai had to say. It was silent as Kai didn't realize they were waiting for him. 

After a minute of awkward silence, Kai finally realized and rubbed the back of his head"Oh- right! Well, get ready for a long walk!" He laughed as he went to the bedroom. They had to take turns getting dressed, but when they were finished they were all wearing what clothes they had, shirts and leggings. Jade and Ray had all the stuff they needed in the bag they had collected and they left their cabin to go head towards the forests of Wysteria.

Their boots were crunching on the fallen autumn leaves as they traveled through the forest of Wysteria with Kai as their what they called, "ranger," as a joke but it was true. He was leading them through the forests. "So, there is a myth about this black hole in the middle of Wysteria's forest called the Shi'nen... It isn't a normal black hole though as it doesn't suck in the world around it. It is said that it was opened by a powerful sorceress. But the most thrilling part is that they say those who see it disappear and never are seen again."

Ava, being the scaredy-cat of the group, felt shivers going down her spine as she clung to Katelyn's arm. "Kai, I don't think it's a good idea... What if we lose each other at the... 'Shih nen...'?"Ava mumbled under her breath. Katelyn tried to comfort Ava as Kai responded, "It is the Shi'nen and trust me, we will be fine Ava." 

Ray laughed with his hands in the pockets of his pants. "You are such a wimp Ava, I bet it will be fun!" Ava's face went a bright red in the embarrassment of being called a wimp by Ray. 

"Alright fine, but if something bad happens can we please run?" She giggled nervously as Jade laughed. 

"Don't worry I will keep you guys safe!" Jade exclaimed happily.

After hours of the group circling around and exploring the forest, it got pretty late. They were losing hope and were about to give up when Tyler pointed out past a few trees, the Shi'nen. They ran over towards the black hole that was in an empty space in the middle of the Wysteria forest. The shimmering light of the moon was completely non-existent as its light was sucked away from the black hole. After a bit of wandering around the lands of the Shi'nen, Ray's eyes widened.

Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger

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