Chapter 1: Battle for Rollnir - Part 3

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    Even with the pain Valla was in, being alone in the woods she felt a peace that could be had nowhere else. Being in nature was the purest way for Valla to feel the presence of the gods. Just being here she could feel the pain and anger dissolving.

Valla trekked further into the woodlands, she emptied her mind and allowed herself to be filled with the divine power of the gods. When she channeled the presence of the gods, she felt a unique spark that she couldn't have at any other point of her life. She forgot about Ordo, she forgot about Sigmund, her only thoughts were what will this victory cost and what comes next?

She had never talked to anyone else about the power she felt in the presence of the gods. Valla didn't know if she was alone in this and the gods truly did favor her or if this was common amongst the few who loved the gods.

Going deeper into the woods Valla's head started spinning, and then all of a sudden, she fell toward the ground. In the distance walking toward her was a woman. Everything went black, she felt her body lifted into the air, her body remained planted on the ground. Valla couldn't understand, had her spirit separated from her body? Though Valla was in shock she also felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility.

"Valla" the mysterious woman's voice echoed as she continued to walk closer, "Valla, my chosen". Valla squinted her eyes to try and make out who this woman was, "Who are you"? She was desperately trying to find her footing, coming to no avail as she floated in the air. The woman was almost upon Valla now and with the woman came a light like the bright rays of sunlight.

"My chosen, I believe you are ready". The woman stood before her or rather floated because the was no ground. Ever so gently Valla was turned and able to stand on what seemed to be nothing. Valla now face to face with this stranger. She had never seen someone with such beauty in her entire life but still look fiercer than even her most terrifying warriors.

The strange woman wore fine clothing, not a hair or piece of jewelry out of place. She wore a golden necklace with an image of an eagle at its base. Valla continued to observe finding a fox at the woman's feet, protective of its mistress.

All at once, it hit Valla, she fell to her knees and said quietly "Vida please forgive me, I am here to serve". To Valla's knowledge, no one had ever seen the goddess Vida or the god Kolemar in the tribe's entire history. So many emotions erupted inside Valla, yet she tried to stay composed. Vida started laughing, "Don't bow to me or fear me, my child, I've come to help you".

"I apologize for the theatrics, but we have much to discuss and your people will be looking for you" Vida still had a relaxed look on her face. "I have waited some time for someone like you, I believe you will be the one to finally unite the Obrak tribes and rule them justly" Vida spoke with more seriousness now.

Valla felt uneasy being in the goddess's presence. Feeling calm and safe, as well as overwhelmed and in awe. Vida began speaking again, "I know of your dream to create a society greater than what the Obrak people are living in now". Valla felt a rush of excitement surge through her body. "I believe you have a dream with no vision of how this task can be achieved" Vida continued, "that's why I have come to you".

Vida had Valla explain what her goals were and why she was fighting so hard. The goddess also questioned as to what Valla was going to do next. Even though the goddess seemed to know everything Valla said she still nodded and encouraged Valla. "I know there must be threats outside Fulindor that we don't see, and we will only be able to survive if we are together as one people" Valla explained.

"You will fail my child," Vida said almost cold-heartedly, "that is why I came to you". Valla felt considerably weaker from these words, "I must try, my people are suffering". Vida laughed again, "What, do you think I wouldn't help my champion"? The goddess grinned, brushed her hand upwards, and suddenly a vine gently wrapped around her arm. "Kolemar and I will give you and your people a purpose, more than just surviving day by day" Vida was studying Valla's face now.

Valla was confused, she had known the gods were powerful but what did she mean by giving her people purpose. By the look on Valla's face, Vida must have known she was lost, "I have chosen you to bring the power of the gods to Fulindor, I want you to teach the Obrak people the ways of the gods".

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