Accepting pt. 2

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Mason tried to question me and talk me out of it saying that it we didn't have to they weren't apart of my life before what changed now and he was right they didn't have to know anything about my life but I wanted them to know so after he realized that he wasn't going to change my mind we hopped in his car and drove to my house.

If he was disgusted at the way he looked he masked it really well

"You lived here"


"I am so sorry baby"

"It's okay that was the past this is now" he nodded his head and didn't say anything else

I walked up to the house with my keys and opened the door I had gotten so used to Mason's house that the smell of it almost made me puke I could only imagine how Mason felt


I didn't hear anything so I assumed that they weren't there I walked around the house remembering everything that happened inside these four walls

I heard the front door open and walked back into the living room to see my parent's standing there they looked different more sober

"What happened"

"We got arrested"


"Drinking and driving"

"Both of you"

"I was driving your dad was high so we got thrown in jail until we were clean"

"How long"

"Two weeks"

"Oh.." it got quiet until the both spoke at the same time

"Who is your friend" "Why are you here"

"That is why I am here I need to tell you something: the both sat down a actually looked like they were listening it is so weird to be having a conversation with them in fact I can't remember the last we sat down and actually talked 

"Mom, Dad I'm gay" the didn't say anything they just sat there

"T-this is Mason he is my boyfriend" still nothing they just sat there it was making me nervous

"Damn it say something please" I begged

"Okay" my dad said


"Yeah that't fine he seems like a nice young man" my mom said

"Just make sure you take care of my boy show him the love we never did"

"Yes ma'am"

When they did say anything else I told them I was leaving for good this time, they both seemed to understand as I was walking out the door my dad said something that stopped me dead in my tracks 

"I'm sorry Carter"

"What?" I was shocked that he was saying sorry 

"I'm sorry I took my anger out on you it wasn't right I was too much of a coward that I had to use thing's like drugs and alcohol please forgive me"

I didn't know what to say I never though that I would hear him say this ever

"It's going to take some time but I am working on it" I told him

"That all that matters" he smiled as did I 

When I was almost out the door he said something else that made me smile 

"Hey son, I love you"

One more chapter left guys

Hope you enjoy

Until next time...

Bye loves<3

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