The arrival

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Your POV*

The smell, the familiar smell...

As soon as I got off the plane it hit me.

The airport was crowded, people screaming, why?! has someone died?! Wait, they're holding banners, my thoughts got soon faded away as I felt someone pull my arm it was jaewan and he was getting moved by a bodyguard. we were moved to different part of the airport where the screaming people we behind barriers. Suddenly, they started screaming louder , me and jaewan stood there dumbfounded looking around for the source, whereas umma and appa stood calmly. finally I saw the source , the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, my sister , Park Bom! i couldn't control my tears they started streaming down my eyes as I took my heels off and started running to her. The sweet aroma I haven't smelt in years and the sweetest hug I haven't felt in years. we both parted. she just looked at me with those glistening puppy eyes and said "you left me as a cute little girl and now you returned as a gorgeous young woman" the memories started flooding back of the time I had spent with my sister I felt jaewans hand on my shoulder as he moved closer to hug bom. umma and appa also greeted and hugged bom. the security guard from before then told us we has to leave and he escorted us to a limousine. the ride to the hotel we would be staying at of the night was long but full of laughter and talk , and once again I felt like our family was complete. because the ride was soo long we had to check in the hotel right away and once we said bye to bom we went to our rooms. I took a shower and changed into my shorts and a vest top put my hair in a bun and uploaded the photo if me and bom from today after I put my phone down I fell straight asleep.


I guess now you know "HER" was indeed the beautiful and talented park bom from 2ne1.

The next chapter will be minahs first full day back home?! read on to find out guys


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