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“Well hello there baby are you that happy to see me?” harry spoke wrapping his arms around me bringing me even closer to his chest.

“It was an accident I was just going upstairs not coming to you.” I mumbled back to him twisting round so he would let go of me.

I started walking towards the stairs just wanting to crash on the bed from tiredness when harry pulled me back.

“Amy tonight you and I are going to go on a date so go and get ready.” His voice was strong and confident and I felt too tired to even protest.

So with a slight nod of my head, I walked up the stairs and into Harry’s room. I looked over at the bed longingly and noticed a dress was placed on it.

That must have been Zayn as I didn’t see him when I walked into Harry he must off slipped up before and put it here.

I trudged towards the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I turned the water on, set it to the right temperature and stepped inside.

After a while I got out and slipped a towel around myself. I shivered a little it was getting colder and closer to Christmas.

Thinking about this made me really sad. I probably won’t even be able to see my mum for Christmas. She will probably be arriving back from her work soon.

She will find me not there and will probably be so worried. I need to get out of here before my mum gets back. But right now I better finish getting ready before Harry starts getting angry.

I slipped on my underwear and pulled the dress over my head. It was black and white, with slits by my hips with pockets by my hips. It was actually quite a pretty dress but I would never say that out loud.

I got my make-up bag and did my eye make-up, concealer and then brushed my hair not bothering to put it up.

I slipped on a pair of pumps and walked down the stairs where Harry was waiting for me.

He linked our hands together and opened the front door. As soon as we were by the car he opened the door and stuck me inside.

Not even 10 seconds later, he opened his door and got in.

“Now Amy before we go, I have a few rules you have to obey. No talking to anyone, No drawing attention to yourself and no trying to escape.” His stern voice pissed me off he was so bossy.

“I wouldn’t even try to escape without Perrie anyway so lucky you, I’m not going to try to escape.” I muttered under my breath hoping harry didn’t hear.

However, by the look he gave me, made me think he did in fact hear me but luckily he just chose to ignore it and started the car.

~~~35 minutes later~~~

I was dying for a wee and I had complained to Harry a few times but he just replied by saying we were almost there.

Almost there my arse.

Finally, we arrived at a small cute restaurant. The engine was cut off and in a moment Harry was round my side of the car waiting for me to get out.

He grabbed my hand again and led us towards the restaurant I was hobbling because of my desperation to pee.

After we were taken to a table, I shot back up in search of the toilets.

 “Amy what are you doing sit down now.” Harry spoke quietly trying not to draw attention to himself.

“I’m just going to the toilets. Or am I not allowed to do that?” I asked with sarcasm in my voice.

I flounced of in the direction I hoped the toilets were in and could feel Harry’s eyes burning into my back.

Thankfully, I reached the toilets just in time and washed my hands. On my way back to the table, I saw a familiar boy standing next to Harry.

“Josh is that you? How are you? You seem to be better from the last time I saw you, in the nurse’s office. What are you doing here?” I pulled him into a hug and he reciprocated.

“Amy where have you been. I have been so worried but yeah other than that I’m okay and I work here.” I was just about to reply until a cough interrupted our conversation.

I looked over at Harry to see him looking at me and josh who somehow still managed to have his arms around me.

“Amy we are leaving now. So josh you can take your arms of her.” Harry spoke with venom in his voice and I felt Josh’s arms unwrapping from my waist.

Instead of being set free Josh’s arm came over my shoulder.

“Why Harry does it make you angry for me to be touching Amy? “ I felt a soft kiss being placed on my cheek and I wondered how josh could play with fire like this.

By now Harry was fuming his cheeks were turning red from anger he grabbed me and pulled me towards the exit.

I turned and got one last look at josh and he mouthed a few words at me. It seemed like he said pocket but I’m not sure.

The car journey back to the house was quiet and that worried me on what was going around in Harry’s brain.

As soon as we pulled up at the house Harry was at my door in a heartbeat putting me over his shoulder. I banged my hands on his back trying to get him to release me but it didn’t work.

When we got to the bedroom I was flung on the bed and bounced right back of it from the force of being slammed.

“HOW DARE YOU TALK TO JOSH TODAY I TOLD YOU MY RULES NO TALKING TO ANYONE. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS YOUR MINE.” I could see a vein pulsing in Harry’s neck and it didn’t look good.

“I could ask the same thing Harry. How many times have I told you I’m not yours? I don’t belong to you. I don’t belong to anyone.” A sharp slap was delivered to my face but I merely flinched.

Harry looked at me confused as I to why I wasn’t crying or cradling my cheek. I knew not to cry it just made the person even madder.

“Why is it, whenever I hit you, you never flinch or cry or scream.” Harry’s voice held confusion.

“Well maybe it’s what I’m used too” I spoke back in a clipped tone.

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