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Screaming. That's all I could hear. Bastian was dead. His last words to me still ring in my ears. Right after he went down the others started dropping like flies. Men, women, and children alike fell around me. It was demons. Demons had invaded Trost. A land with the heaviest and most complex wardings known to man to keep the filthy bastards out. And yet they were here. Gargoyles flew through the air shooting rigid spikes at every moving thing. Giants ripped through our warriors like tissue paper. Alecs, a race of shape shifting demons sliced people into sushi with elongated claws. I have to get to the church. I trip on a piece of debris and yelp as I land on my knees. Pieces of glass cut into my skin. Warm liquid falls down my face. Did I cut my head? I touch my fingertips to the fluid and find not the sickly sweet red of the blood that stains the world around me but the salty clear of tears falling from my eyes. I had never cried before.
"Dammit." I sob hastily wiping away my tears. The small cuts on my face sting as I do so but I stand up. "I have no time for useless emotions. I have to go now." I tell myself. I was panting, all clear thoughts drifting from me. It was so sudden and there was no warning. Why is this happening? How is this happening? How had no one seen an army of demons approaching?
"My dear child, this is happening because I will it to be." I whip my head around.
"Who said that?" I couldn't see anyone around me that wasn't either dead or running in fear.
"Isn't it wonderful? Look at them all scrambling for their lives. It's beautiful..."
I look around frantically. "Where are you, you sick freak? I'll make you afraid just like everyone else!" I growl.
"Why, I'm in front of you. Open your eyes child."
My vision goes dark and white spots dance along the black as pain rockets through my skull. Images dance unprovoked through my consciousness. Fire. The corpse of a beautiful woman. My father, Idris looking young and smiling. Demons. Ugly grotesque creatures playing with a young human child of about three. The child killing one of them by brutally ripping its head off. Then her smiling as though this was all normal.
"Look with your eyes." The man says. My vision starts to clear though now everything is tinted a pale red. My head feels heavy. My spine and fingers ache. My jaw felt like it was on fire.
"What the..." He was handsome. Very much so. The man in front of me had an alluring set of royal blue eyes and a smirk that would melt the hearts of women everywhere. Gorgeous platinum blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and was crowned by two lustrous black horns. A dapper red three piece suit covered porcelain skin and strong arms.
With a flick of his wrist a small mirror appears in his hand. He holds it out to me. I forget about the chaos around me. The carnage and the screams fade as I take it from his hands and glance at myself. I nearly puke.
My normal skin was the grayish color of a corpse. My brown eyes now blaze the crimson color of blood and a second smaller set of glossy black ones settle beneath them. Small dark gray horns protrude from just below my hair line. My hair... Normally a dull brown color was now twice as long, reaching to my ankles and glowing an ethereal snow white. I bare my teeth into the mirror. Fangs. They were all sharp and pointed. Meant for ripping into things easily... Like flesh. My spine tingles and I get a quick thwap to the face by a thin black line. A tail. I drop the mirror and grasp at the black tendril flowing from my spine. I shout in pain.
"Yeah, don't pull on that. Its a pain in the ass. You should keep it hidden so enemies won't do the same." He says.
Rage fills my very soul.
"What did you do to me?" I scream. He gives a look of mock astonishment.
"Why, I didn't do anything to you child. Except of course release your true nature." He says. I frown.
"What do you mean, my 'true nature?'" I ask. An evil smile slowly splits across his face.
"You're a demon Atreya. And I've come to take you home."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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