four - face to face

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"i'm here for ms. amanda valentino?"

i approach the black escalade parked in front of my house, with a smile on my face.

"that's me."

the italian girl all over your feed.

my father owns one of the biggest winery's in california.

as well as the biggest and most successful italian restaurant in los angeles.

i have it lucky, to say the least.

"colson has asked for you to be taken to his concert."
the driver tells me as i enter the vehicle.

i'm very surprised that colson asked me to come to his concert tonight.

this will be the first time that i'm meeting him and i'm pretty nervous.

but then again, i'm super excited.

he isn't the only guy who's tried to slide into my dms, but something about him intrigues me.

i know there's a stigma that all rappers are players and fuck around with groupies on the road.

don't think that my best friend stassie, hasn't given me a lecture about it.

she made sure that before i left i knew everything to expect.

i'm not so much worried that he'll break my heat or something like that.

i'm worried that i'll get a bunch of shit from his millions of fans.

don't get me wrong, his fan base is pretty chill, but once a girl is in the picture all of the stans attack.

"we will be there shortly, until then would you like the radio on?"
the driver asks politely.


the drive is short and quiet, the only sound is of the jazz music the driver is playing.

it's peaceful even.

we arrive at the forum and the driver pulls around to the back entrance.

the entrance that the performers use.

"here we are."
he opens my door and i step out.

"follow me."
a security guard tells me.

he hands me a lanyard which i place around my neck and follow him into the building.

we enter a small door that leads us into a green room of some sort.

then we go through another door that opens to a hallway.

we make our way down the long hall and stop once we reach a door on our right.

'machine gun kelly' is written in bold letters on a paper inserted into a plaque next to the door.

this must be his dressing room.

the guard knocks on the door and after a few seconds it swings open.

colson stands on the other side with a smile on his face.

"thanks doug."
he fist bumps the guard, relieving him.

"amanda, i'm glad you came."
pulling me in for a hug, he smiles.

"me too."
i chuckle hugging him back.

"well, this is the dressing room, come in. come in."
he takes my hand and pulls me into the room.

the door shuts behind us and i take in the rooms contents.

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