∘ Forgive & Forget - Seneca ∘

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It takes grace Grace to remain Kind in cruel situations

Okay, so today we are gonna tell something about forgiveness.

We all know that forgiving a person is very crucial for them as well as for our mental health.

Be it a huge mistake or even a minute one. Sweetheart, if you won't forget and move on, it will keep on feeding on you, my love.

If you keep on digging deeper and thinking about why he/she did that, broke your heart... At some point, you'll start blaming yourself that, if you are at fault.

Just ponder over it, it will completely destroy your mental health.

Remember, when we forgive, we heal. And when we let go, we grow.

We never know what's going on with them, so we can't really judge them nor blame them.

Blame the situation. Not them, not yourself.

When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power.

Things happen for a reason, sweetie. Don't try to change them. Instead, accept them and try to move on. That's how you do yourself and them a huge help.

Forgive them. All of your thems. The more thems, you can forgive, the better you will feel.

You know? When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forget.

It's easy to tell to forgive them those broke your heart. I agree. But sweetheart, do yourself a favor and forgive them.

For yourself. Not for anyone else!

'You know, you can forgive someone and still not want to have anything to do with then. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself of pain in your present. It's not about making room for someone painful in your future.'

See good in people. Give the best of yourself. And, it's up to them the rest. Let go of those who burned holes in your heart. Grieve for days, nights. Take all the time you need.

But then, RISE!

Rise, as you've never been before. Learn the lesson and move on.

It's just a bad day sweetheart. Not a bad life. We all have our days. We all feel our lowest and weakest. It's okay. It's totally fine. It makes you a human.

And, anything is possible if you've got enough nerve. And we are no less than anyone, am i right?

If it makes you feel any better, talk to someone whom you trust and tell them what you are feeling. That helps. It really does.

I know forgiving an forgetting the heartbreak takes a lot of time and patience. But then, once you get into that path no one can stop you. So, you are not alone. Never alone in this huge world. If you wanna talk, rant anything i am here, our whole Girls Army is here.

Lastly, i just hope you have eyes that see the best. A heart that forgives the worst. A mind that that forgets the bad and a soul that never loses faith.

So, beautiful strangers, you are loved... You are worthy! Loads of love and courage. Keep going! You rock! 

I hope this helps. This is not much,  know. But then, often even the strongest of the strong girls usually face these. We all have our days. Let's fight it together. 

Love, Seneca
Girls Army 

Ps: Thank you for taking your time and reading this. : ) 
Have a great day. 

∘ The Girls Guide 🌸 | Lifestyle Advice ∘Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora