this isn't what i meant by family bonding - jeongcheol ft. chan

38 5 3

genre: fluff and slight angst but really it's just panic

word count: 1.8k


ok i should've been more detailed and through but no. but anyways!! enjoy hahaha

in which seungcheol, jeonghan, and their baby chan go to ikea to do some family bonding. and of course, things go wrong.


Seungcheol loves his family, he really does, but sometimes... just sometimes, he contemplates every choice he's made ever made during his twenty-four years of being alive; especially the one that led to being in Ikea at eleven in the morning, barely awake as he pushes a large metal cart through the household emporium. But Seungcheol manages to refrain from dozing off, mainly because his toddler son, Chan, keeps slapping his face with his tiny baby hands.

That and the fact that he knows Jeonghan will throw a fit if he doesn't participate in their 'family bonding.'

So he listens to Jeonghan's endless, out loud debate with himself about what chairs they should get for their dining room. Seungcheol would be concerned about his husband's behavior if he didn't know him--- but he does know him, so he's gotten used to Jeonghan's nit-picky, overthinking personality. 

(And his tendency to do too much.)

"Okay, okay, okay," Jeonghan says as if he's starting a powerpoint presentation to pitch an idea. "Which one says, 'financially stable, but mentally unstable'?" Before Seungcheol knows it, his husband is already dragging a random chair next to the one in front of him. One chair is dark brown while the other chair is light brown. Other than that they look highly similar. "Nordviken or Lerhamn?"

Seungcheol looks at each one, trying to form an opinion that doesn't exist. Finally, he replies, "Um, the one that sounds less German."

"It's Swedish!" Jeonghan overdramatically exclaims, obviously appalled by his husband's lack of knowledge about the cultural origins of the company. "How can you even say that?"

Seungcheol doesn't answer Jeonghan's question and instead replies with, "...I love you?"

"I love you too," Jeonghan says, fondness in his voice, before he adding, "But go choke." 

Chan giggles and lightly smacks Seungcheol's right cheek again, legs kicking in the front of the cart. In a giddy tone, he repeats, "Yeah, appa, go choke!"

Jeonghan shoots Seungcheol a glare as if it was his fault for their son saying that, and turns to the boy sitting in the seat in the cart. Instantaneously, he switches to his angelic, paternal side, going all heart-eyes when he sees Chan.

"Channie, don't say that to appa, okay? I'm the only one who can say that," Jeonghan tells his son, who is carefully listening to him, lips cutely pressing together.

"Okay," Chan says, in tiny font voice.

Jeonghan fixes Chan's baby hairs. His four-year-old son sways side to side, his heavy lil' head making him unbalanced, but adorable nonetheless.

"Whose baby are you?" Jeonghan asks Chan, who happily responds, "Appa's!"

This makes Jeonghan squish Chan's soft cheeks more than he already is, a little blush forming upon them. "That's right! You're my baby," Jeonghan says, acting like he hasn't heard his son say this before. He nuzzles their noses together and gives Chan three pecks on the same cheek. "Jeonghannie's baby!"

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