late night thoughts - hong jisoo

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genre: this was so fluffy but so angsty??? like???

In which Y/N wonders if she and Joshua will last.

(inspired by that one meme that's like, "hey do you like me?" and the guy responds, "honey, we're married" and the other meme that's like, "you like me?" and the guy, who is literally proposing, says, "take a wild guess.")

this one is for anyone who constantly brings themselves down.

word count: basically 1.9k. could've been more if i added more to the imagery than like, the emotion of the piece (which is heavy, by the way). i'll edit it to make it better later.

♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

After binge-watching all three seasons of Stranger Things and sharing an entire tub of Neapolitan ice cream --- which was probably very unhealthy, by the way--- Y/N and Joshua finally decided to slip under a cozy, warm blanket and call it night, right where they were on the couch. Their bedroom was only a few feet away from them, but they both had been too comfortable being in each other's arms to even consider sleeping in it. 

With his right arm wrapped around Y/N's waist, he had pulled her into his chest and buried his face into the crook of her neck. It wasn't long before her boyfriend fell asleep in that position, leaving Y/N alone in her thoughts. 

As cliche as it sounded, she wondered how she had gotten so lucky, meeting the love of her life in a coffee shop. If she hadn't decided to make a detour from her usual route to work and fetch a double-shot espresso to wake herself up, things would be different. Joshua would've been swept off his feet by another girl and Y/N would've been having another one-night stand with her insatiable ex-boyfriend. Yet, there she was, at home in Joshua's loving embrace, and honestly, she didn't know where she'd be without him.

Despite not wanting to think about it, she often imagined her unimaginable life without Joshua. Sure, their relationship made her feel more than complete, but the likelihood of him losing interest in her, falling out of love with her, and eventually leaving her overshadowed all the good. Before she knew it, she was breaking her own heart, like the anxious and overwhelmed baby she was.

"Hey, love?" she whispered.

Joshua moved a little before he hummed, "Yeah?"

"Do you still like me?" Her fingers twiddled as she waited for a response, already feeling awkward and dumb for asking such a question.

Another hum. "Take a wild guess." He was probably talking with his eyes closed because she sensed sleepiness in his answer. "Y/N, look at us right now. We're spooning on this small ass couch, we eat from the same spoon, and live together. On top of that, I don't think I can go a day without kissing you all over. If I wasn't such a broke Millenial, you'd have a ring on your finger by now."

A shade of pink spread across her cheeks, then all over her entire body. But then that fuzzy feeling was set aside by insecurity. "Really?"

"Really," Joshua easily replied. "Do you doubt me?"

The answer was yes, but it didn't pass her rosy lips.

"Y/N," he murmured, quietly, but not quietly enough to stifle the natural sweetness in his voice. "What's wrong?"

Subconsciously, her body scooted further into his lean frame. Even though there was no gap between the couple and Joshua wasn't going anywhere any time soon, Y/N needed to be closer to put herself at ease. (Or at least she'd try.)

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