Zayn slapped my knee before sliding next to me.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, his voice was monotone.

One thing people typically mistake Zayn for is a heartbreaking vain member of a boy band. Sure he has his stuck up moments, but everyone in the world does. Truth be told he treats girls like there is nothing more important in the world... other than his best friends that his, because Zayn is always there for us.

"I don't think I need to be," I answered honestly. "I think it will be fine. She'll ask her questions. I'll answer. Hopefully we'll just have a fun time."

I was a little nervous... I just wanted everything to go well. Sitting with the guys on the plane is one thing. There are other people around. When you put us five alone though, we act; well we act like five teenage guys. What more can you expect of us?

"It'll be ok. She seems classy. What are you gonna wear?"

Leave it to Zayn to think of everything –including what I would wear. He had hopped off the bed and was tearing through my suitcase that had clothes scattered everywhere. Zayn pulled out a dark blue zip hoody, a white v-neck, and a pair of jeans.

"Here," he handed me the outfit.

"Is this what girl do?" I asked as I slipped the jeans over my boxers. I left the shirt and sweatshirt on the bed as I headed to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. "Pick out each others' clothes?"

Zayn laughed, "I reckon so."

We ended up watch tv and going through twitter mentions to pass time. It wasn't long before I realized Charlotte would be there in little under an hour. I had Zayn order the pizza as I went to get dressed. I still hadn't put my shirt on –but I figured I should probably put it on before Char got here.

I slipped on my shirt and sweatshirt and brushed my teeth. I ran my fingers through my messy hair, detangling any sloppy looking curls. I was suddenly nervous –though I didn't really have a reason to be. It wasn't a date. I shook my head. It wasn't a date.

Charlotte's POV

After distracting myself long enough, I finished my hair and did my makeup. Then, I darted to my suitcase which was lying open on the bed. I picked through it until I found short khaki shorts and a white and blue striped short-sleeve shirt. I slipped on a pair of chocolate Uggs and glanced in the mirror. Shorts and Uggs –strange but comfortable. It was me.

I grabbed my purse from the desk chair and unplugged my phone sticking it in my pocket. I strode down to the elevator and came out into the lobby. I walked slowly to the curb and waited for a taxi.

Once I was in the taxi I pulled up the hotel name that was saved on my phone and told it to the driver. She shook her head and drove off.

"You look very nice," the young driver complimented.

"Thank you," I smiled at her. She wasn't very old –possibly in her late twenties.

"Date night?"

"No," my heart fluttered at the thought of a date with Liam. "Just hanging out with some, er, friends."

"Guy friends –I get it. I was that age not too long ago." She winked and I chuckled.

The drive to the hotel was antagonizing slow. The traffic was all backed up and we were barely moving,

I kept glancing at my phone nervously hoping that I wouldn't be late. As the time ticked by, I decided I should sent Liam a text and tell him the traffic was really bad. I didn't want him to think I was blowing him off.

Hey Liam, I'm on my way but we are just sitting here in traffic. I most likely will be a litter late. I'm sorry.

His response took about ten minutes, but he told me not to worry. Harry and Louis had gone out and got caught up with some fans. Niall and Amalia had gone to a movie and were stuck in traffic as well. He and Zayn were the only ones at the hotel, so he told me not to fret.

I relaxed in my seat and rested my head against the head rest reminding myself to breath. Giving me time to think is the worst thing you could possibly do. My mind like to race through every possible scenario it could create and always ended with me being really worked up.

I asked the driver if she could turn the radio up. She seemed to understand, so she blasted California King Bed through the small car. Twenty minutes later, when we finally arrived at the hotel, I had managed to calm myself down.

Once again there were fans outside of the hotel. They had posters and thing written on their arms and foreheads. I really wanted to go and have the boys come out and meet them. Any fans with that much dedication surely deserved to meet the guys.

I made my way to the door and headed to the elevator. I told the man that I was second to last floor. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you one of those crazy fans who thinks you can just go up and see the boys like you are invited to?"

"Well see, Harry and Louis are at some mall with their fans. Niall and his girlfriend, Amalia, are stuck in traffic so technically Liam and Zayn are the only ones up there...."

The man shot me the dirtiest look, "Just because you know where they are does not mean..."

Before I could finish my sentence I cut him off. "Why don't you just ask me if I have a card?" I pulled the card from yesterday out of my purse and showed it to him. "And just so you know, I only know where each of the boys are because Liam texted me telling me not to worry about being late. Except for now I am even later because you are accusing me of things I am not guilty of."

I felt bad for yelling at him, but I couldn't believe he wasn't even slightly polite about the whole situation.

"Sorry miss."

The elevator moved in silence. When we reached the boys' floor the door opened, "Have a nice time."

"Thank you," I smiled politely and walked down the hall. As I reached the door to the room my heart stopped. Suddenly I was nervous. It was the most nervous I had been in a long time. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It was only a night out with friends. That was the last thing I told myself before Liam's face appeared in the door.

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