"It's a date," Louis winked as he went to grab some shorts and a t-shirt.

"Third wheel again," Zayn sighed as he left the room. "I need myself a girl..." his voice muttered quietly barely audible.

"Come on buddy," Niall had walked up behind me placing a hand on my shoulder. My head was between my hands. My heart was racing and my mind was spinning. "Go get some decent clothes on." His eyes trailed by body which was only covered by a pair of basketball shorts. Sighing, I stood up. Niall placed an arm around my shoulder and led me back to the room we shared.

"You know that if she's a really good girl, Liam, she will over look this."

"Niall, it's probably not the easiest thing to look over. I distinctly remember telling her that we had our fans. It made it sound like we were some little school band or something. "I was digested at myself. I knew she would have found out eventually, I had never thought that it would be that soon though.

"I guess it's a true test of character." Niall handed me a red and white plaid shirt and khaki cargo shorts. As I slipped them on I heard the hotel room door open, then close, then open again, followed by Zayn's voice.

"NIIIIIIAAAAALLLL!" his voice shook the walls. "GUESS WHO'S HERE!" his voice was sing-songy.

"Gotta run but good luck buddy." Then they were gone, and I was left alone with my thoughts. As I tidied up the suite, my mind rand through various ways to explain everything to Charlotte, but nothing I came up with seemed good enough. I was doomed.

Charlotte's POV

The walk to the hotel was lovely. The air was comfortably warm and the sunny shown bright in the sky. It felt nice knowing that I was in a completely new place that was filled with thousands of opportunities. Right now was my first one –meeting with Liam. I was so nervous and I had no idea what I was going to say. Thankfully, Liam hadn't crossed me as an awkward person, so I want too worried about it.

I knew I was at the hotel before I checked the address. It was a really really nice hotel, plus there were giddy girls surrounding the hotel. It was actually really sweet to see a few fans scattered around the entrance. They weren't being annoying, rather they were hopefully waiting.

The doorman tipped his hat to me as I entered the lobby. I strode up to the front desk. The lady asked me if she could help me.

"I'm not really sure..." I paused.

"My erm, well my friend is staying here. He said that I should give you my name?"

"Well then let's have it," she laughed.

"Charlotte McDermott."

She typed my name into her computer and scrolled through what I assumed was a list. "Oh," she said suddenly. "You are meeting...." She paused. "Those boys," she shook her head chuckling.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You are meeting Liam Payne, I assume? That's what it says here."

I nodded and she handed me a keycard. "They are on the second to last floor. Have a nice time sweetie."

She was overly cheerful which made me question what the hell was going through her mind. I shook off any dirty ideas that came to head and made my way towards the elevator. The man in the elevator made me show him his key card to prove that I had permission to go up to that floor, then he smiled and pushed the button.

Nineteen floor later the doors swung back open and I stepped into a well lit hall way. The door in front of me read 1910. I needed 1916. I made my way down the hall passing various numbered doors. I passed 1914 and assumed the next one would be 1916. I looked ahead of me and that's when I noticed two lovers making out in front of the door that I was supposed to be entering.

I was completely confused and I had no idea what to do. Then, the guy saw me. He gave whoever the girl was one last gentle peck on her lips before he turned to me. That's when I realized it was Niall.

"Well that's awkward," he giggled in his Irish accent. "Hey Charlotte!" He lifted his hand in the air motioning me towards him. "Nice to see you again."

I smiled shyly, "Uh, hi Niall. Sorry to interrupt."

"Don't worry. We were just leaving, but I might as well introduce you two... this is my girlfriend Amalia."

A dirty blonde hair girl grinned back at me. "Hey," she said weakly. "Sorry, I'm sure that was awkward to walk up to..."

"Don't worry about it," I winked to her. "I take it you haven't seen each other in a while."

Niall wrapped his arms protectively around his girlfriend's waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "It's been too long," he muttered against her neck making her giggle.

"Then go on!" I motioned them to leave. "Go catch up on... whatever you need to catch up on!" They laughed at me and said their goodbye. As they started down the hall Niall called back to be.

"Just knock. He's in there. But Char, please don't be too hard on him." He gave me a classy wink before stepping into the elevator. Then, I was alone. 

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