323 20 42

Raise your glasses
over your heads
as high as they can be seen
I got the answer

Answer// Ateez


WHEN DEALING with someone, whoever this person is, the only things that can trigger your conscience in an insane way are the two following sentences pronounced by enquiring curious lips: we have to talk and can I ask you something(?).

The crippling anxiety that suddenly spreads around our tensed body, instinctively makes us think about all the wrongdoings hidden at the back of our minds. We start feeling like criminals ready to seat in front of a judge, while he or she mercilessly list all our fatal errors and all we can do is to remain there, speechless and hoping that such a psychological challenge will end as soon as possible.

Humans can be so dramatic sometimes...

At least this was what Ten thought while staring at both Jaehyun and Doyoung, not understanding where the nervousness of the latter came from since Reira wanted to speak to the doctor alone.

Perhaps he was having second thoughts about what his selfish pride and jealousy caused? Well, it was too late to save the situation, anyways.

On the other side, Mark quietly floated behind the demon. His piercing eyes metaphorically set the other's figure on fire, as if he was accusing him of being the author of all the misfortunes of his protege.

"Sorry to interrupt your magic moment, but the lady is waiting for you."

The dark angel nonchalantly informed, while approaching the brunette and smirking at him. He then started patting his shoulder, almost mocking him and whispered a low "See you on the other side."

Chills went through Jaehyun's spine, when those words echoed in his ears but still decided to shrug the whole thing off for the meantime: what was waiting for him strangely sounded more terrifying.

The car ride to the Han river was silent, too silent. The air was filled with a suffocating fear and an even more choking negativity, the thoughts of the passengers getting louder and louder.
Tapping on the steering wheel several times and biting his lower lip, Jaehyun glanced at Mark every now and then hoping that he would naturally speak words of assurance and heavenly security, but no.

Instead the angel simply sat there, his gaze fixed on the road and the light around him slowly fading away. His hands were delicately placed on his knees, while fiddling with each other and his wings randomly lost feathers, which would then spread around the back of his seat.

"Are you okay?"

"You shouldn't be the one asking."

Mark immediately replied, his tone as cold as ice.

Meanwhile, as the boys got out of the car, the sky gradually darkened as water drops fell across the town. A chilly wind accompanied the change of weather, along the living waves of the river mentioned above.

When Jaehyun finally found Reira, something told him that the situation was way worse than he hoped to be: with the knowledge of a woman who knew even the deepest secrets of her man, the fierce of a person who feared nothing and the carelessness of a being who had nothing to lose, the florist stood across the the sidewalk of the bridge, where they both now parked on.

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