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Before I fall asleep
I'm trying to find feeling
within this nothingness

42// 3racha


27th April 1951
Border between
North and South Korea

JAEHYUN LAZILY made his way through the underground paths made with soil and water, dragging his heavy boots and sighing continuously.

His tired and bloody eyes slowly flickered to the top of the small tunnel he was walking in, as the weapons he was carrying felt heavier than ever — just like his weak heart.

«C'mon soldier, speed up!
Speed up!»

One of his fellows demanded, lightly punching his back.

Slightly glaring at the older, by looking over his shoulders, the brunette silently obeyed the order and fastened his pace.
His feet started moving on their own,
Jaehyun felt like he didn't have the complete control over his body anymore,
while running.

On top of their heads, the fighters could hear the loud sound of the bombs exploding, along the marching troops and the never ending screams and cries of terror.

The brown haired male really couldn't stand the mess surrounding him:
the war completely dried up his joy,
the war harshly killed his peace.
He really didn't know how and if he would endure the following days, weeks and probably years.

Everything just seemed to oppress him
and, to be honest, he had enough.

He was fed up with this life of his.

He was exhausted.

How he wished he could go back in time,
back to those sunny and innocent days, where he and his family would lovingly spend some time together along Reira and the others.
Back to those careless years,
where the only thoughts he had in mind were being happy and loving his dear ones as much as they loved him.

How he wished he could smile genuinely, merrily jumping around the busy and festive streets of his old and sweet town — ignorant of any kind of negativity.

Jaehyun missed being a simple man
with a simple life.

The brunette's train of thoughts was interrupted when he suddenly found his body on the ground, as one of his seniors was spitting out harsh words to him — his face covered by sticky soil

«What the hell is wrong with you, cadet?
We have a mission to complete here and your sluggishness is seriously preventing us to do so!»

«I'm so sorry...»

Jaehyun mumbled more to himself rather than to his mate, so silently that the other male didn't hesitate to kick his back repetitively, making him fall on the ground, again.

The younger coughed loudly, placing a hand on his chest and then on his aching back. He then turned around, glaring at the taller and apologizing to the team for the second time — his voice bold and clear.

After that, another fellow, Yukhei, came in, helping him stand up, as he tried to calm down the tensed up atmosphere

«Try not to mess up things, okay?
I know how you feel, but we're all going through an hard time.»

Yukhei whispered to Jaehyun, sadly smiling at him and he gently patting his shoulders.

The latter simply replied with a small nod, facing the front and resuming the activity.
Soon after, the crew reached to the end of the tunnel, as a small glimmer of light blinded the soldiers and the refreshing air made its way past them.

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