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Blue Diamond POV:

          Yellow stayed with me for the first time in the while. She left but I didn't mind it too much. I started to get up and stretched. I still have to wait for White to bring up what's wrong with Pink or why she isn't managing her colony. My eyes widen slowly while I'm deep in my thoughts. What if she shatters me, because I didn't tell her immediately? Or worse? What if she shatters Yellow?! 

         I immediately called Yellow via the crystal communicator. Her pearl answered. "I'm sorry but this line is only for important situat-" Yellow's pearl finally opens her eyes. "B-Blue Diamond! I'm so sorry for the tone! What is needed, Your Lustiousness?" I inhale and exhale slowly. "Can you please put Yellow on the Communicator, please? It's important." Yellow pearl looks a bit disappointed, even bothered.

         "I'm sorry, you Lustiousness but...Yellow Diamond is currently unavailable, she's currently in the bathing-" Yellow's voice cut right through Her pearl's voice. "Who is it, Pearl?"  Yellow Pearl's face flushes with surprise. She reaches out her hand to the communicator as if introducing me and Yellow. "Blue Diamond's on the communicator to talk to you."  

         After that, I see a Yellow hand sweep under the main camera and it is brung up to the beautiful face of Yellow diamond. "Yes, Blue?" The face that would make someone quiver in her presence. I stare for a moment. "Blue?" I snap back to reality. "Um, Yes, of course...so I think we should tell White about pink immediately. " Yellow turns her glare to me from something offscreen. "Blue. We've talked about this already! We have to wait for her to bring it up!" You couldn't mistake the annoyance in her voice. "I know but what if she shatters me? or even worst you?!" Yellow furrowed her brows. "Why the hell do you care?!" 

         "BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!" My face turns dark blue as I yelled. I heard a small 'ow' and saw my pearl laying on her back. "Oh...my pearl, I'm sorry." she nods. "It's okay, my diamond." Her voice is very quiet and gentle compared to Yellow diamond's pearl. I look back up to Yellow to see a dark yellow hue on her face that mimicked my blue. She cleared her throat. "Meet me at the door of White's room and we will tell her." I nod. "Of course."

         "Is that all you want to discuss?" I look away from my pearl, who is still laying on her back and look at Yellow. "Um...Yes! Yes of course." I would have loved to talk about other things besides work, but this will have to do for now. Yellow nods and we both hang up the crystal communicator. "Pearl...We are heading to White Diamond's court." I could hear the shift of her tiny body and the steps of her blue flats as she runs to the door I'm approaching to open it.

I hope this goes well.

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