Chapter 2

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That night as I was laying in bed reading my new novel, I found something. On page 456. It was a little piece of paper. I carefully opened it, my heart pounding. When I finally unfolded it, this is what it said.

Dear person opening this,

You are the one we have been waiting for. For you see, only one person was able to see this book. That person is you. And now that you have opened this paper, there is no going back. Our land has a problem. If you wish to help us, please find the next book.

~ Someone important

This was it! This was my purpose in life! This was going to be my adventure! Finally, something important was happening in my life.

"Hi everyone!" I say as I put my lunch box on the table.

"Well, someone's in a good mood." Maelee said.

I ignored her crappy attitude just like I always do.

"Guys! Listen!" I exclaimed happily.

"What is it?" Alyssa inquired.

She was the only one who was really cared about anything we did. Everyone else never cared what the others did. Good or bad.

"I found something in my book. I think it might be a treasure map or something. Someone out there needs my help. And, it gets even better. I found the clue on page 456!" I told them.

At this Brooke lost it. She laughed so hard her face got red.

"456?! Like blackhat456!" She laughed.

Okay, your probably wondering why this was so funny. You see, Alyssa's wifi password was blackhat456. We all made fun of it. Brooke made fun of it so much she wrote a fanfic about a black hat, named blackhat456. My friends are crazy. But I still love them.

Resume story.

"Yes Brooke, I found it on page 456." I sighed.

After a few minutes she calmed down enough for me to finish.

"It's a clue," I said as I passed the paper around. "a clue to lead me to these people who need help."

"So, I was thinking, we could follow it. All of us!" I exclaimed excitedly.

They all stared at me like I was a crazy person. (Oh wait, they always do that.)

"The the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Maelee, the always negative one, said.

I deeply sighed. "Come on guys, please?" I pleaded with them.

"I'm in." Alyssa said.

She was always there for me. Not like the others weren't, but she always made me smile at how nice she made me feel.

They all agreed after Alyssa said that.


"Okay, this is the plan." I said to everyone.

It was a cold and rainy Saturday and everyone was at my house.

"I finished reading this book." I said as I held up the book.

"The ending was a cliff hanger. As usual." I told them. "I think I have to find the next book in the series and that will lead us to the next clue." I said.

"Your such a book nerd." Annabelle pointed out.

"I know." I replied.

"Let's go help these people." Brooke suggested.

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