Chapter 11

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Guess who's back!!! Well if you guessed, Meghan (the original owner of this story) you would be correct. Ally did a wonderful job keeping this story up for me while I was taking a break, but now I've returned. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this story, so if you have any ideas I would love to hear them! Thanks! ~Meghan

After everyone was sure Alyssa was okay, we continued on our journey. After a little bit of walking, we could hear sirens going off. When we got a little closer, we could see smoke blowing off of houses. This place was really run-down. I feel bad for the people living here. We have to help them.

"Look! I can see the city!" I shout.

Nobody sounds happy about it. I turn around and face them.

"Look guys, these poor people haven't seen anyone smile in a long time. We have to be here for them. We have to be the people to see the light through the darkness. They've completely given up hope. We have to give them hope that things can be better. We cannot do that unless we brighten up a little." I give them a pep talk.

"Being happy and perky may be your thing, but it's not mine." Maelee says.

"I know. But can you at least try?" I ask.

Everyone sighs and mumbles 'yes'.


"Hi, um, we're looking for the mayor?" I ask what looks be a secretary.

She's wearing an ugly pea green shirt and her hair is in a bun with a few strands out. She's also wearing glasses that look like she borrowed from a librarian.

"State your name and business." She says sounding bored.

"I'm Lily and this is Annabelle, Maelee, Jewel, Alyssa, Brooke, and Arabella." I say gesturing to each one in turn. "We are here to speak to the mayor. He left us clues on how to find him." I grab the clues out of my pocket and place them on the desk. Once she looks at them, she gasps and looks at us in shock.

"It's you! You're the ones we have been waiting for! I'm so sorry. You can go right in." She says with a smile.

We all give a small nod and walk into his office. Sitting in a chair is a frail, skinny looking man, who is facing the window.

"Hi." I say wearily.

He spins around in his chair and looks at us. Once he realizes who we are, he gasps.

"Are you..." He starts. "Yes." I finish.

He shakily gets out of his chair and Alyssa rushes to help him. She's always the one thinking of others. He gently shakes her off.

"I'm not as old as I look, young lady." He smiles down at her.

"So what is this place?" I curiously ask.

"Somewhere that needs saving. And you're just the right person for the job."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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