Chapter 13 (part 1)

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Peggy's POV:

I rise early in the morning, right before the sun. I see that Steph is sound asleep and  slip away for a shower. Today I start working again, and while I am thrilled to leave this building and do more than sit around and read, I am worried. I've never been away from my little poppet before, and I don't know how long I'll be able to go without seeing her. I'm suppose to be in the office at 9 O' Clock and leave around 5, but I'm hoping to leave sooner than that. I know the Jarvis's will take good care of her, but I'm still fearful of what the day lintels. I step out of the shower and quickly change, only to hear Stephanie start to cry. I pick her up and start to nurse her. 

Shes been doing amazing since Daniel helped. Daniel... Oh bloody hell. I forgot. What will me working entail for us? I hope we'll still be able to spend time together. I don't want us to grow apart. We've been getting so close- and I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it to other than amazing. I'm not sure if he feels this feeling I do when we're together, but I hope we'll be able to explore it further. 

Once Steph is finished I lay her back down and make some tea and toast. Colleen grabbed the newspaper earlier and I haven't gotten to read it yet, but when I do I'm in complete shock. CAPTAIN AMERICA ALLAY YET TO EXPLAIN WEAPON SALE. Oh dammit Howard,  what have you done now? I set down the paper and finish getting ready for work. I water the plant and start to fold up the bed, until Colleen enters.

"Oh don't bother, I can't feel my feet." She's been working more night shifts lately and has just returned home.


"They let 10 girls go yesterday" Here lately since the war ended, woman have been loosing their jobs left and right.

"Did they say why?"

"Because 10 more GI's got discharged." She fluffs the pillows and lies down on the bed. "I had to show a guy from Canarsie how to use a ribbon gun." Its terrible the world we live in. Woman are seen as less than men, and are forced out of there jobs to make room for them. "Oh I think I have tuberculosis." 

Oh dear, that may explain why she has been feeling under the weather lately.

"Thanks by the way, you lent this to me last night while you were at work." Stephanie had vomited all over my sweater in the evening, and before Colleen had left she let me wear it. Even as i try to give it back she waves it off. 

"It looks better on you, ya know. Its something that might catch a mans eye. Say on a date. Maybe with a certain fella down the hall..." 

"Don't hold your breath." I say. I don't know if he feels the same way, and anyhow we're really good friends. I go to the closet and get my gun to put in my bag. I've had it hidden in a small storage box this whole year. "Especially with tuberculosis." She laughs. 

"You know there's a difference between and Independent woman and a spinster." I walk out of the closet and pick up Stephanie, thankfully she's still sleeping. 

"Is it the shoes?" she laughs again. "Clock out, pull the curtains and sleep. Peggy's orders." I grab the nappy bag for poppet and turn to Colleen. 

"Okay, but remember if I don't see you, we're going to the movies on Saturday. I have the night off."

"I'll try this time, but you know the office may try to keep me busy."

"Peg, you're working at the phone company, it ain't life and death." At this Steph begins to stir in my arm and snuggle closer.

"Darling... you have no idea." We laugh one last time and then I head out of the door. 

Daniels POV:

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