Chapter 2

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Peggy's POV:

Walking up a flight of stairs normally isn't a problem, but being eight months pregnant makes it quite difficult. Now, instead of actually walking, I seem to be waddling like a bloody penguin. Why can't we have a lift in this building? Finally I reach our apartment floor, then I hear a crash.

"Dammit," I hear someone say. I look down the hall and see our neighbor and it looks as if hes dropped a grocery bag. Oh I forgot his name. Sonna? Soasa? All I know is it begins with an 'S'. I walk, or waddle, down the hall to see if I could help. "Mrs. Carter?" he says. Oh bloody hell! 

"It looks like you could some help with that," I say. 

"Oh no its fine." He uses his crutch and bends down for it. He's lived in this complex longer than I have. I've seen him around and we've had small conversations at the post, but nothing more than neighborly civil conversation. "Sorry about that."

"There's nothing to be sorry for Mr...uhm"

"Sousa. Daniel Sousa." He says, stretching out his hand, and I shake it.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr. Sousa, you must forgive me."

"There nothing to forgive Mrs. Carter." He flashes a charming smile and I attempt to relay one myself. If only people would stop addressing me as Mrs. Carter...

"Well I ought to be on my way." I say.

"Of course. Have a nice day." He says, smiling once more. I smile in return and waddle to my flat.

Colleen's been working much more as of late. Since the war has been over, many more GI's have been discharged, and many woman have lost there jobs to soldiers. Colleen has to help train the new recruits, leaving me quite on my own. Hours go by and its soon supper time. I'm no chef, but I normally make do. We haven't made it to the shops like we intended, so our food supply is quite low. However, I could smell something quite delicious itself waffling through the air. Mmmm. Whatever it is has triggered a craving. Damn. It seems that the food is from Mr. Sousa's flat. I can't help but pace and think of whatever hes made. Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm at his door knocking, with a plate in my hand. What in the blazes was I doing!? I start to walk back when I hear the door open.

"Mrs. Carter?" I stood there frozen for a moment. Sighing I turn around.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, Mr. Sousa, I was just being silly." I say awkwardly. Never have I embarrassed myself like this in my life. He looks at me with a furrowed brow and a puzzled look on his face.

"Uh.. did you need something?"

"No. I uhm..." I stammer on and try to explain, rather horribly, what I was doing. "Well-no. I uhm... I'm sorry to bother you."

"You sure...?" he asks again. He smiles charmingly and has a small tease to his tone. Damn him. I try to smile it off, but it doesn't work.

"Its just.. well whatever you've made smells delightful."

"You want some of my food?" Rather than being rude and sounding appalled, he actually sounded surprised, yet kind; if anything he was slightly amused. 

"I hate to be a bother..." I trail off. He looks down and smiles, as if a sweet thought had crossed his mind.

"I don't mind at all. If anything it would be a big help." He laughs.

"Are you sure? I don't want to impose-"

"Its cod... It doesn't exactly taste great reheated and eaten the next day." He teases. I laugh and whole heatedly smile.

"I concur." I say.

"Here, how about this. You come inside while its finishing up and you can have half." I stop for a moment, not wanting to over step, but the babe has other plans. I close my eyes and give in. This little one is so head-strong already...

"That sounds lovely."

"Great." He opens the door and we make our way to the kitchen. I can't help but moan at the delicious smell. Daniel looks at me and laughs. 


"Nothin'." His back is turned towards me, but I can sense his amused demeanor. 

"There must be something that's keeping you amused." I press. I want to keep a small conversation going to avert this awkward situation. Although being here seems warm and welcoming, not invading.

"Its just... my sisters are the same way." I furrow my brows as he turns to me. "When they were- uh-you know." 

"With child...?"

"Uh, yeah.  They'd sit or stand around and enjoy the smell of the food in the air." I can't help but listen  to his every word. He must sense I was hoping for more details, so he pressed on. "They always made me cook or them, especially when they had cravings." He laughs lightly as the memories play in his mind. "I remember my older sister, she would call me at 3 in the morning, because her husband had night shifts, and she would call me and ask to get her whatever she wanted. Sometimes I'd have to bake or cook depending what it was. She'd sit down and just smell the air and pester me when it'd be done." His laugh is so contagious, I can't help myself. 

"Well, it seems you are a very good brother," I say. "I don't think my own would be so loyal and keen to meet my every need and craving if I asked." I laugh. The timer goes off and Daniel takes out the cod. It looks different than most I've seen.

"Its a Portuguese dish, I hope you don't mind."

"Oh, of course not. I've never had Portuguese before, I must admit, but it smells delicious." He laughs and grabs his own plate.

"So, wheres your brother now? I-If you don't mind me asking that is." I look down for a moment and then up.

"Oh no its fine. My brother, Micheal, he uhm... died early in the war." I try to keep my emotions in check, but a tear escaped without my permission. Quickly I wipe it away. Damn pregnancy hormones.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring something like that up, I-"

"Its alright, Mr. Sousa, I pray you don't reproach yourself. " I look up at him and see his demeanor change. "Honestly it's alright. I enjoy talking about him actually." 

"Yeah? What was he like?" As Daniel began to serve our food, I rambled on and on of stories about Micheal and what he was like. In turn, Daniel told stories of his own sisters, and about a brother he had lost in the war aw well. I've barely uttered more then a few sentences to this man in the many months of living in Brooklyn, but now, sitting here with him, I feel as if I've known him my whole life. Everything feels right and calm, and I have an odd want of never leaving. All too soon though, we both finish and I hobble out of my seat. I grab both of our plates and place them in the sink.

"Uhh ...You don't have to do that you know. I can take care of it." Daniel makes his way to where I am, but I refuse his help.

"No, no, I all but invited myself over, its the least I can do." He must sense my determination, because he doesn't try and argue. Several minutes go by and I'm nearly finished, when a pain in my lower abdomen begins to start. At first its small, then It grows more intense. I can't help but hunch over, one hand on the counter, the other on my back. He must have sense my distress because he rushed over to my side. 

"Ar-Are you okay? Sh-should I do something? Is it the baby? Do I need to call a-"

"No, no, Its not that." I force my self to say. "It must be false contractions. Normally they go away, but.. they seem to be more insistent at the moment." He stares, awe-struck, and frozen. "I should probably head home, sleep it off..."

"Uh yeah sure, do you need anything?"

"No I'm quite fine. Thank you, Mr. Sousa." I start to walk across the hall when I hear him reply.

"Yeah, No problem." I look back and attempt to smile. Oh this child will be the death of me, the sooner they get here, the better.  I  grab the bed off of the wall and lie down. Soon enough, the contractions end. I hope Daniel won't be offended by my sudden leaving, I feel horrible, but poppet had other plans...

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