Chapter Five

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And it's Med time! It's all Will's POV as he gets Sylvie's message from Jay, and he starts his investigation to find out what's going on in the hospital. Also, Chicago Med 4x21 disappeared from YouTube TV before I could see the rest of the episode, so pardon me if things don't match up with what happened in the episode.



"Good news, she's on the plane with no difficulties."

"Great," Will nodded, listening to Jay as he looked through the patients he had to see that day.

"Bad news, she picked up on something at Med."

Will blinked rapidly, then let the papers fall back into place on his clipboard. "Wait, what?"

"Ah," Jay sounded amused. "Guess you didn't pick up on it, then. Point to Hearts."

"Seriously, Jay?" Will seethed, lowering his voice and ducking his head down so no one could see what he was saying behind his computer monitor. "I told her I keep my shields up because of how much people think around here."

"Then why the hell are you working in a hospital? With your qualifications, you could be anywhere."

"Well, don't advertise it over the phone," Will pinched the bridge of his nose. "OK, I don't suppose she specified who she felt?"

"No," Jay answered. "She said she felt obsession and determination. That doesn't sound like a good combination."

"No, it doesn't," Will agreed, narrowing his eyes. "All right, I'll keep my eyes open."

"And your mind?"

Will groaned, already envisioning his brother's Cheshire cat grin. "Shut up and get to work. Nail Kelton if you can."

"Oh, I plan on it."

Will hung up his phone, putting it in his scrubs pocket, then leaned on the desk edge, eyes narrowed in concentration. Obsession and determination. That couldn't be too hard to find, could it?

Will took a deep breath, hanging his head and closing his eyes, making it look like he was trying to compose himself and get his breath back. While he was doing that, he started a mental scan of the hospital. Obsession and determination, he repeated to himself. Focus.

That was when he managed to pick up on something that mentally set up a red flag. Will furrowed his brow in concentration, homing in as much as he could on where he could find the greedy obsession he was sensing. Thank you, Sylvie, he mentally thanked, picking up his clipboard and making his way through the hospital. His next patient didn't need him for another thirty minutes or so. He could spare a trip to visit the OR floor.


"Dr. Halstead," one of the nurses said in surprise when Will stepped off the elevator. "Can I help you?"

"No, thank you," Will shook his head politely. "I won't be long." The nurse nodded, and Will continued down the hall, keeping his pace regular enough that no one would think anything was up. The oily feelings he kept sensing nearby was enough to make Will start to feel like he had a headache, and he winced, rubbing his forehead. "I need a drink," he muttered.

"Will?" a surprised voice asked.

Will started and turned around, mentally cursing when he lost the trail he was following. "Hey, Connor," he fixed a smile on his face, though it became more natural as he walked over to join his friend. "Sorry, I didn't see you there."

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