Chapter Four

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OK, so I lied. We still have a bit of Chicago Fire storyline to wrap up before moving on to the next Chicago show. The good news is - we get to see more of another sibling relationship other than Sylvie and Will! Huzzah!

Sylvie makes a decision that she takes to her fellow officers at 51, and she has a warning to give that foreshadows the next finale event. Oh, and there's a scene that I've really wanted to happen.




He looked up from his computer to see Maggie walk over. "Yeah?" he asked, mentally going through all of his patients. "Did I miss a round?"

"No," Maggie shook her head. "I just wanted to ask . . . is Brett OK? It's just that ever since she was admitted yesterday, you're the only one who's been in her room."

"She's . . . " Will fidgeted, trying to think of what to say. "Doctor-patient confidentiality," he finally said.

"Oh," Maggie nodded.

"Look, physically, Brett is fine except for the arm fracture," Will promised. "I can't tell you what she's in for other than that, but she specifically asked for me to help her. She said she'd let me know when she's ready for others to drop by."

Maggie nodded in understanding. "I understand, Will. The patients come first, not my curiosity."

Will couldn't help but chuckle. "Thanks, Maggie." He checked his watch, then picked up his stethoscope. "I need to check on her anyway. She should be ready for discharge soon."

"That's great to hear," Maggie smiled. "Tell her if there's anything she needs, I'll get it for her."

"I'll do that," Will nodded, walking towards Sylvie's room.

He stopped in her doorway, seeing Sylvie staring at something on her phone. He carefully knocked, stepping inside. "Hearts?" he asked.

Sylvie looked up, and her smile, while still strained, looked much better. "My shields are getting better," she said, putting her phone in her lap.

"Really?" Will smiled, walking closer to her. "That's great!" He paused, pointing over his shoulder. "Nothing here's overwhelming?" he asked. "I mean, my shields are practically up 24/7 because of everything people think. I can't imagine how it would be feeling how they . . . well, feel."

"That's why I'm eager to get out of Med," Sylvie smirked. "Not that I don't love you, but it's too emotional for me."

Will snorted loudly. "Too emotional," he repeated, checking the cast on her arm.

It was silent for a few seconds, then Sylvie quietly said, "It's going to be hard getting out of Med, too."

"So you're eager to get out, but you also don't want to get out?" Will raised an eyebrow.

Sylvie lowered her head. "I live with Joe," she reminded him. "I'm around my fellow firefighters often, even when I'm off shift. Everyone's going to be grieving Otis. Just being around so many people with the same emotion . . . "

"You don't think that's what you need," Will deduced.

"But I don't want to make everyone feel like I'm bailing on them when we lost someone!" Sylvie buried her face in her free hand.

"Sylvie, your own personal health is important, too," Will put a hand on her shoulder. "You won't be able to work with a broken arm anyway. While you're on medical leave, think about not just your arm, but your shields, too. Emotions like that hammering on them constantly won't do you any good."

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