"I Don't Want to Play Video Games Anymore!"

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Raph sighed as he eyed Mikey's room. It had been a full 24 hours since the incident, so the effects of the anesthesia should have worn off.

"Mikey...it's me uh Raph." He called through the door. "Listen um I'm really, really sorry about yesterday."

No response.

"Mikey?" Raph called. "Please....I really didn't mean to hurt ya that bad, please talk to me...I'm beggin' ya!"

Mikey's door opened and the young turtle walked out. His eye was still wrapped. It would be that way for a while. Raph hated looking at it.

"Good morning, Rapheal." He spoke in a monotone voice. Raph bit back a scream. Mikey still wasn't ok.

"M-Mikey, please stop talking like that bro, please just talk to be like normal...I ain't gonna hurt ya!"

Mikey ignored him and walked into the kitchen. Leo and Donnie were already in there, eating breakfast.

"Morning, little brother....how are you feeling?" Donnie asked, immediately waking up to his wounded brother.

Mikey smiled. "I'm ok...my eye still kinda hurts though, but I feel a lot better!" Donnie smiled in relief.

"I'm glad to hear that, otouto...you only need to wear the bandage for a few days, then you can wear your mask again."

Mikey nodded with a smile. Leo stood up, joining the pair. "Oh Mikey, you are excused from training till your eye is better."

Mikey hummed before nodding. "Ok, thanks bro!" He grinned. He then grabbed his plate of pancakes and dig in.

Raph hesitantly walked in a moment later. He sat down away from Mikey and silently ate his breakfast. Mikey completely ignored him continuing chatting with Leo and Donnie.

Leo immediately tried to usher Raph out, not wanting Mikey to become upset. "It's ok Leo, I'm fine!" Mikey said with a reassuring grin.

Leo breathed a sigh of relief. The anesthesia had worn off. Mikey was back to normal and wasn't scared off Raph anymore.

After breakfast, it was time to train. Mikey was going to sit out for sparring but he was ok to meditate. He sat in the dojo on the side.

Splinter walked in, facing the three remaining turtles. "Alright my sons, because Michealangelo is unable to spar, you three will go against each other."

The boys nodded and began sparring. It only lasted 10 minutes as Leo took down both Leo and Raph, who seemed unfocused and flustered.

That was completely unlike him. He never lost before. He was the one who always won at sparring. What was wrong with him?

Leo flashed a smile, pleased that he won. Though he couldn't help feeling concerned. Raph had lost, and that was extremely unusual.

Splinter seemed to notice his red-masked son was troubled. "Rapheal, are you feeling alright, my son?"

Raph nodded. "I'm fine sensei, just...it's nothing, can we just meditate already?" He asked, impatiently.

Splinter nodded, stroking his goat-ee thoughtfully. "Of course....my sons, please get ready for meditation."

All the turtles sat on the rug, Indian style. "Ignore all outside distractions....become at peace."

Raph took a deep breath and closed his eyes. In a moment, he felt himself spinning and opened his eyes.

All he saw was red. Red carpet. Red floors. Red walls. Red. "Huh, so this is what my inner soul looks like."

He walked around and saw a bright red door. He cautiously opened it and gasped. Mikey was standing right there. He was....crying?

"Why Raphie....you hurt me, I knew you never loved me..." Mikey whimperd, clutching his bleeding cut.

Raph immediately reached out to him. "Mikey, please little brother....I am so sorry, please just forgive me, please!"

His pleas fell on deaf ears. Mikey's sobbing got louder and louder. Raph covered his ears, begging for him to stop and apologising.

"Raph?" A voice said. Raph gritted his teeth. The crying got louder. "Raph!" He snapped out of it.

The red-masked turtle opened his eyes to see his family surrounding him, looking worried. "Raph, are you ok? You were screaming over and over!" Donnie asked in worry.

Raph breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his eyes. Stupid tears. He couldn't be weak like this!

"I'm fine, just....I'm fine!" He shouted, rubbing out of the room, leaving everyone in complete shock.

"What was that all about?" Leo said aloud. Splinter sighed and rubbed his goat-ee. "Something is troubling him."

Leo took that into account and followed his brother. Raph's door was closed. "Raph? It's me, Leo...are you ok?" He asked hopefully.

He then heard....a sniffle? "G-Go away Leo, I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" Raph yelled, his voice cracking.

Leo froze. Was Raph...crying?! That was uncharacteristically concerning. "Raph, do you want to tell me what's going on?" He tried again.

"Go away!" Raph screamed, louder. Leo sighed and walked away. He wished his brother would at least talk to him.

"Any luck?" Donnie asked. Leo shook his head in defeat. "No, he wanted to be alone...he was uh crying."

Donnie's eyes widened. "He really just be upset....but why? Mikey's back to normal, everything is fine!"

Leo shrugged. "Just give him time, I guess....if he doesn't want to talk we won't make him." He decided.

A while later, Leo decided to spend some quality time with Mikey. He was happy his little brother was ok.

"Hey Mikey, want to play a video game with me? We can play the new one you got last week!" He asked.

Mikey's eyes immediately turned dark. "No!" He whimperd in fear. "No, take it away Leo, please!" He sobbed.

Leo immediately put the game away and wrapped Mikey in a hug. "Shhh, it's ok otouto...it's gone, it's ok."

What Mikey said next scarred Leonardo for life. Mikey whimperd against his chest, saying...

"I don't want to play video games anymore Leo, please don't make me!"

A/N: Hey readers! So...Mikey doesn't want to play video games anymore?! And will he ever forgive Raph? Will Raph be ok?

Mikey doesn't want to play video games anymore?! And will he ever forgive Raph? Will Raph be ok?

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