Darkened Thoughts

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*Unlimited tissues here*

I'm warning you now...

Things are gonna get a little...


I apologise in advance, but this needs to be done...

I promise in the very end, it'll end happy.


Trust me...


Raph stared at his wrists with a look of regret. He was starting to feel the sting of the cuts. He sighed and wrapped his arms in thick wraps.

"I can't stay here..." He mumbled. "I can't stay here knowing that my little brother is traumatized because of me and my stupid temper."

He felt a wave of darkness wash over him. He'd never felt something like this before. It felt like his soul was breaking into a million pieces.

"I shouldn't even be alive..." He muttered. "I should just...." He trailed off and grabbed some paper and a pen.

He wrote something down before grabbing his sais and leaving the lair. No one saw him walk out. No one knew he had left.



Master Splinter sat in Mikey's room, holding his youngest son in his arms. It pained him to see his happiest son so scared, in so much emotional agony.

"I wish I could do something to help you, Michealangelo." He murmured to the sleeping figure in his arms.

Mikey had cried himself to sleep and was currently out cold. The wise rat stroked his son's head tenderly, dragging his arm across his own misted eyes.

"I wish I could help you..."


Leo and Donnie were worried. They paced around the lair, trying to find the best way to handle this situation.

"I can't believe Mikey actually hurt him..." Leo mumbled. "I know he didn't mean it, but wow...I never thought he'd be capable of that."

Donnie only nodded. "Fear makes people do crazy things..." He reminded his older brother.

"We should check on him, his arm looked so swollen and bruised, it's probably broken." Leo added.

Donnie grabbed his medical supplies and headed for Raph's room. He walked in and found it empty.

Meanwhile, Mikey had just woken up. He rubbed his still red eyes and sighed. "I feel horrible for what I did..." He mumbled.

Splinter, who was still next to Mikey, nodded. "I know you are, my son..." Mikey sniffed. "I still sort of feel scared of him...but I also feel really bad for hurting him."

Mikey buried his face in his hands. He didn't know what to feel. Part of him was still scared of Raph, but some other part of him felt guilt.

He felt bad for hurting him, he really did...and he never imagined himself doing that. It had all happened so fast...he didn't know what he did until he had done it.

His sensei seemed to read his thoughts, "It was not your fault, Michealangelo...it was an accident."

Mikey shook his head. "But it wasn't an accident! I hurt him...just like he hurt me..." He mumbled.

"My son...you did not intend to hurt him, you thought you were defending yourself...there is a difference."

"What do you mean...?" Mikey mumbled, looking up at his sensei. "Rapheal's motive was to injure you, your motive was to defend yourself."

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