Chapter 15: Exams and a Prediction

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Summer was coming closer, the month of June wafting the warm air into the windows of the castle... but all we could do was study for our exams. There was no time to relax outside on the grounds or by the lake.

Hermione was taking several exams at once, and continuously left her books at the library with us. We kept having to find her later to give them back whether it was the twins, Becky, or myself. Honestly, she was such a mess I could only think about how all the rest of us had it easy compared to her.

Though, I realize I may have it hard pretty soon. Professor Snape had me stay after our last Potions class of the year to tell me:

"Next year you will take your O.W.L.s, so your fifth year will be your N.E.W.T.s. You're ready for it. You will still take regular classes in your year, but you will have intensive sessions with me every weekend."

I just stared at him wide-eyed. "Aaaand... what am I supposed to do for my last two years of Hogwarts?"

"Whatever you would like," he said nonchalantly. "You could leave school early to do what you want, or stay at school and continue tutoring. You have time to figure that out, there's no rush."

My head spun, "Why couldn't you have told me this after the exams?"

He gave a smirk, "I didn't expect you to plan to worry about it so soon. The O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s will be nothing to you. Your exams are already done perfectly. You get an Outstanding for every class."

I gave a slow nod, "And my students are getting Exceeds Expectations... How are they doing in class?"

"Exceptionally well, even Mr. Otterburn... Great job, Melody."

My mouth went up into a big smile before I could help myself. I did it.

"Don't even say it, or I will change my mind about that stupid bet," he warned softly, looking down at some papers.

I laughed, "You call it stupid, but you're the one who suggested it!"

"Don't remind me."

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Becky couldn't even make the time to tease Draco, she was so busy studying for exams. Draco mostly stared at the study guides in front of him, lost in daydreams.

"Get out of Draco Land," I would say, causing him to jump and then actually concentrate.

Marcus was being so studious, it made me proud to see he was trying so hard to pass. Hopefully he wouldn't slack off again during the exams... like the year before.. Somehow, he could concentrate with his arm around me, and I just about couldn't because it was so distracting.

"You don't need to study, you're already going to get an Outstanding in everything," he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, seriously Mel just take a break," Draco added, seated in an armchair next to us. "You could just help us study. Especially me."

I laughed, "Alright Draco, alright. What do you need help with?"

"I still don't understand the Cheering Charms... how much power are you supposed to put into the spell? If you recall, when I cast the spell on you, you burst into fits of laughter and couldn't stop until the spell wore off," Draco said.

Marcus couldn't help himself, "I wish I could've seen that!"

I punched him in the arm and got up to stand next to Draco.

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