Love Intoxication

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Rue walked her class room and dropped the 4 weeks of homework on her teachers desk. Everyone couldn't tell who she was
from behind but when she turned everyone looked in shock.

"Here you go Mr. Avery 4 weeks worth of homework and test." Rue said and walked quietly to her seat with her hands in her pocket. Everyone still watched her she stared straight ahead waiting for him start class.

"Rue do you want to tell everyone what happen to you?"

"I rather not let everyone know what happen to me. I don't need everyone in my business." Rue waited for him to start she got her paper out and a pencil.

"Can you at least tell me?" Vince came in the class right before the bell rung. Rue just stared at him 'your the reason I got a bullet in my stomach' she thought. She had the bullet made like a necklace she wore it around her neck. She grabbed the bullet and placed in her hand and stared at it. Vince took his seat right beside her and tried to talk her.

"No, I can't." Rue glared at him and the way that she looked at him made Vince's heart clench.

"Rue please tell me what she did."Vince begged. Everyone else was focus on class and so was Rue. Rue just stared at him and then looked at the bullet she wore as a necklace.

"You almost had me killed." She whispered to herself. Vince leaned in closer to hear but he couldn't make out what she said. Rue looked at him again his blue eyes burned into hers. Rue raised her hand. "Mr.Avery may I go used the bathroom."

"Yes you may take the hall pass."Rue got up and took the pass. Everyone watched her leave. Leaving everyone in wonder when she made her way to the bathroom she got stopped by Trent.

"Rue!" Trent ran to her she kept walking. "Where have you been baby?"

"Out." Was all that Rue said. "And don't let that word ever slip your lips again I ain't Ya baby."

"She is mine Trent."Vince voice boomed behind them.

"Oh Great, all I wanted to go do was pee! That is it, I just want to go pee in peace." Ran off to the restroom but when she went in three of Maria's best friends stood crying in the restroom. When they saw her they froze looking at her with envy in their eyes.

"Awl Shit," Rue sat the hall pass down and stood backup. She just looked at them watching their every move. She was looking at them as if they were prey. That's when hands went to flying but all Rue end up doing was knocking one on the ground and pinned the other two on the wall. She held them by the the throat and stepped on the one on the floor throat.

"You bitches are so lame, your following the same girl that would have sold you out in a hot second. She could give two shits about you, yet you protect her?"Rue laughed out loud. "Get the fuck out the bathroom, I think y'all basic bitch syndrome is wearing off on me." Rue threw them out one by one making sure their face was the first one to hit the wall.

"What are you?"one of the girls asked and looked at her with terror.

"I'm just a girl who tired of everyone's shit."

"Rue Morgan."The girl stated her name.

"That's my name bitch don't wear it out."Rue smiled. Vince and Trent couldn't believe their eyes Rue took out three girls.

"Why could you have just died like you wear supposed to do!"

"Because I have something to live for and don't have time for Maria to have men in black suits to come kill me."

"She wanted you dead!"

"No shit Sherlock, people in hell want cd water but doesn't mean they get it." Rue stared the girl down and walked in the bathroom. The girls scrambled away rushing back to their class. Vince and Trent stood there in shock learning the truth of what happened made them angry. Vince suddenly got a phone call from the jail house it was Maria.

"What in the hell do you want!" Vince said angrily into the phone trying not to break it.

"I need you to bail me out!"

"Why did you have the love of my life almost killed?"

"How can that thing be the love of your life!" Maria yelled back.

"Unlike you she actually has a damn heart she has an excuse to why she doesn't show feelings. You don't you don't have a heart your just a demon spond!"

"Listen here-"

"Aye hurry up with the phone bitch!" A prisoner yelled from the back."

"Looks like your cell mate is calling you." Vince hung up the phone. He didn't care if it was the girls bathroom he went in to get is baby. Trent on the other hand went back to his class,

"Rue baby,"Rue was drying her hands when she got caught off guard. Vince had pinned her. "You are the love of my life, do you not understand. I'm so sorry I almost got you killed! I'm never leaving your side do you understand that? I don't care if you push me away. I'm stuck to you like glue."

"Vince I-"

"Vince -I What? You look into my eyes this is pure love. Your sent is intoxicating to me your like a drug. I own this damn body," Vince started kissing on her neck making her breath heavy. Gone was the strong brick wall Rue. "You are mine and if someone tries to kill you well they are going to have to get through me." Vince kissed her finally getting to taste her lips he captured for his own. He felt her melt in his arms. She was his and no one could remove her from him. Rue watched his eyes turn from sky blue to dark blue. "Your intoxicating to me. When I see you it's like I turn into an animal. I lose control I want to lose control right now." Vince was about to kiss again but he heard footsteps coming toward the restroom he hid in a stall.

"Rue? Is everything ok? Mr.Avery sent me to come check on you."

"Yea, I'm fine just girl problems."

"I know what you mean." The girl gave Rue a pleasant smile and they both walked back to class. Vince got out the stall and the restroom quickly and went back to class. Rue focused for the rest of class but could feel Vince's gaze burning in her making her wiggle in her seat a little. What has Vince done to me? She thought for the rest of class.

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