New Class Mates

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Rue stepped in the hallway when the bell ranged. Everyone met Vince by his locker shaking hands and clinging to him like a king. She could hear the whispers telling him.

"Don't worry about her Vince she is just a bitch who has no friends." she heard a girl say. Everyone was kissing his ass and intimidated by him for no reason.

"Maybe nobody hit it,"she heard a guy say while she was walking down the hallway."Because she is fat." She smirked and headed to her Chorus class. Sadly she was the only student in chorus everyone in her school was in sports or theater class or art. No one cared for music. Her teacher Mrs.Irving and her grew close like a mother and daughter relationship. Her mother didn't take the time to understand her and love her. She showed her love through money by taking her shopping and comparing her to her brothers.

Mrs.Irving knew about her brothers and what they were like but she never compared Rue to her brothers. Mrs.Irving saw something in Rue. Rue had something special in her and her love for music showed it. Mrs.Irving and Rue became close they would hang out over the summer and bond. When Rue needed someone to talk too or to hug she went to Mrs.Irving. Mrs.Irving was the only one she trusted.

Rue stuck her hands in her pockets and imagined if Mrs.Irving was her mother. She would be happier then she was now. More open to people. She didn't bond with her father, it was like her father didn't know his own daughter. One time he bought her a shirt 3 times too small. Even her mother didn't know her clothes size. That's how Rue had her own style dressed in Tom boy. Her mother hated it tried to by her dresses but got the dress size wrong too. Rue cut tides with her family. She has been paying for everything she has. The only time she sits with her family is at the dinner table and she doesn't even talk there.

Mrs.Irving had a tough time breaking Rue's walls down. She has had Rue in her class since freshman year. Ever since then she has took her under her care. One time Rue's sophomore year Rue went to Mrs.Irving and hugged her. That day someone pushed her to the edge and she was angry but no one was there but Mrs.Irving and Mrs.Irving talked to her and she listened. That is what made her close to Rue.

Just about when Rue was about the turn the final corner to chorus her brothers followed by Vince pulled her aside.

"What's up Rue?" Darren asked her. The only time they talked to her if she disrespect them in any kind of way or they ask her to do their homework. She never did their homework but they was always brave enough to ask.

"What the hell do you want,"Rue said angrily."You don't talk to me at all so why are you talking to me now?"

"We got to talk to you about something,"Devin said. Devin and Darren was the same size as Vince. They toward over her 5'9 height, usually this would intimidate a girl but it didn't do Rue that way."Heard you were being disrespectful to our friend here Vince."

"I ain't say two words to this motherfucker and you come to me talking about I'm disrespectful,"Rue rolled her eyes and had a smile crossed her face. "This is quite funny because you think your big bad but remember you ain't shit to me. You too are twins and I'm the single out child we are not triplets remember that so don't come to me with no bullshit today." Rue started to walk away but Darren grab her shoulder and pushed her back on the wall.

"We are not through with you," Darren said he hated when people disobeyed him."You are going to apologize to Vince here."

"Bitch please, you think I'm going to apologize to pretty boy over here,"Rue pointed to Vince. And laughed even harder."You got to stop smoking whatever you on because you imagining shit, you wanted me out of your social life that's what I'm doing. I'm being the outkast that I love being so don't come to me with anymore of your friends. I don't give a damn who his is." Rue started to walk off again,but Devin stepped in front of her.

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