Vince's Feelings

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Vince walked down stairs to his father's den. Tommy sat on the couch wondering why his son came down stairs.

"Pops can we talk?" Vince sat across from him in a chair.

"What is it my boy?"

"Well when you met mom what feeling do you have over her."

"Well I remember it was love, but I had a wash of posessiveness over her. I was stuck to her like glue."

"I have that same feeling every time when I'm around Rue."

"Well she is a good woman Vince, I'm impressed with her."Tommy took a puff of his cigar.

"It's just the way she shrug things of It's like my body responds to her. I thought I hated her."

"Son it sounds like your in love with her."

"But it's like she has no emotion. I'm strangely attracted to that, it's like she doesn't need me but I need her. I don't think I can love without her."

"Then fight for her son, get her to love you and only you."

"Yea,but Trent Martin is fighting also."

"Son then you better get Rue pull her to you and tell her she is yours." Tommy said to him."Rue is a good one you don't want to lose her. I never seen a good girl like that walk around these parts. She knows how to dress her self and make herself look presentable catch her while you can."

"Thanks pops I apreciate it." Vince went back to his room to sleep it off. Tomorrow would be Jessie's and Trevor's first day piano lessons and its on a Friday. Rue would let them spend the night and she ment all of them encluding Vince and Trent. That would be his first chance but either way it goes he is going after her.


Rue showed up at school happier than usaual, she had seen her grandfather after two years. The last thing he told her before he dropped her off at her apartment was.

"You make sure you get me a full pitch of Kool-Aid both Fruit Punch and Grape! I dont care if my foot falls off because that is some good stuff. Like I said if I can taste the diabeates then you did it right child. Don't let your grandmother get to you either. She just mad because in between those legs are cobwebs. Remember if those kids at school get under your already know...BEAT THEY ASS." Kane voice went through Rue's head. Rue smiled at the thought. She got interrupted when Maria and her crew behind her stepped to Rue.

"Watch were your going pig." Maria said but still stood in front of her.

"Ok then why is you still in my face child?" Rue said and laughed in her face.

"She is not your child, check yourself." One of the girls said to her.

"No one was talking to you stick figure, sip your tea and mind your buisness." Rue didn't look at her she kept her eye on Maria.

"Move out the way your blocking the hall no one can get passed you."

"Look here Beauty and the Beast you stepped to me so you either walk you spoiled rotten ass around me our you just can stand here like you aint got no place to be."

"You better not be in my seat in detention."

"Next time you want to step bring your game and some damn toothpaste, mouth wash, and a tooth brush. That is some Horrific breath you got." Rue said to her. Maria still stood in front of her.

"Rue can we talk!" Vince ran to Rue. Maria and her crew walked pass her scuffing and would nudge her.

"Watch it bitches you might break your arm bumping into me." Rue told them and turn to Vince. "Awe fudge why are so many people I don't want to talk to want to talk to me this morning?"

"Rue can you stop complaining this morning an listen to me for once?" Vince pulled her to the side and blocked her in. If he knows one thing its how to block someone in. He was huge to be a high schooler he blocked her to where her back was agaist the locker and she face him she tried to push him off but his weight held her.

"Oh my gosh Vince what is it. I got places to be, grades to keep up, bitches to slap, I aint got time for talk."

"Rue I love you! I'm in love with you!" Vince looked into Rue's shocked eyes. Rue wasn't expecting that.

"What?"Rue couldn't believe her ear but that didn't mean she was going to fall in his arms and say the same thing.

"I'm in love you Rue! I know haven't been the best person to you." Vince looked into Rue eyes again. It showed nothing.

"Vince what the hell!" Rue looked at him crazy."Wait....Wait a minute am I on MTV?"

"What?" Vince started to get angry. She really thought she was on MTV getting pranked. She thought it was a joke! Well he wasn't going to have it.

"No way I'm on MTV! Yo! I'm Rue Morgan and I just have been pranked!" Rue laughed.

"Rue this is not a joke-"

"You trying to play me aren't you? Look I told you there are other girls for you to use you can't get me." Rue went under his arm and walked away from him. She was not about to give her heart to a jock who was going to tackle it, stomp it to ground, and then add it to the score board of how many hearts he stomped.

Vince wouldn't let her walk away so easily like she just did. His father was right it would be easy. But that didn't mean he would stop fighting Rue was going to be his.

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