C h a p t e r T w e n t y O n e

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Sting's POV

I paced around the guild hall, as I have been doing so for the past two hours. I've had so many people go out looking for her and they return with nothing, not even a trace.

I've tried to search for her multiple times before getting scolded by Porlyusica to stay in the guild hall. Even though I was able to walk now, I still wasn't fully healed.

I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling at it in frustration.

"Where is she?!" I groaned, "If anyone hurts her, I swear, I'll slaughter them all with my bare fists!"

"I'm sure she's safe and sound," Rogue attempted to reassure me, but I couldn't shake off the uneasiness I felt. There definitely was something wrong, I mean, apart from the fact that my girlfriend had gone missing. I just have a bad feeling about this whole situation.

"Stop pacing and sit down," Minerva spoke. I gave in and sat down, not realising how much my legs were actually aching from the constant walking.

"We've got about ten groups out looking for her, the guild hall is practically empty because everyone is out trying to find her," Rogue continued, "Someone will find something."

"I freaking hope so," I grumbled.

When everyone returned back to the guild for a ten minute break, the guide doors swung open. Y/n stood there with a big smile.

"Y/N!!!" Everyone screamed and crowded around her.

"Sorry for making you worry guys! I just have to take a trip that requires me leaving for long periods of time!" Y/n smiled so much it almost looked fake.

I approached her, the crowd parting for me. I stared her straight in the eye. Even her scent wasn't the same. This wasn't Y/n.

"Who are you?" I asked with a deathly glare.

"I'm Y/n! Remember? Your girlfriend!" She grinned.

"No you're not," I responded almost immediately.

"Sting's right guys, Y/n wouldn't go on a long trip and not tell us. She ran out that day, and I can tell you now, she wasn't going on a trip," Minerva spoke up.

Then "Y/n's" eyes had a little mischievous sparkle.

"Very well done," She spoke, "I am not Y/n. My name is Shiftie."

Then she changed to a girl that had black and green hair with red eyes. My guess was that her name is Shiftie because she's a shapeshifter.

"But I do know where Y/n is," She smirked.

"Tell me right now or you'll regret it," I threatened.

"Sorry hun, that's not what I've been sent here to do. If I couldn't trick you by being Y/n, I've been told to give you this," She handed me a pocket mirror. Well, it looked like one. I opened it and it showed a digital figure of a male with black hair and white eyes. I think it was a call.

"Hello everyone, as you probably have figured it out, I have your precious little princess," He spoke with a mocking tone which made me clench my other fist in anger.

"Who the hell are you?" I spat.

"My my, hasn't Y/n told you about me? I'm Dhutia, the God of War," He smirked, "I just wanted to let you all know that Y/n isn't coming back anytime soon, so you should just give up already. You're wasting your time."

"When I get my hands on you, I'll crush your skull," I glowered.

"Haha! Hilarious!" Dhutia laughed, "Now, I'd love to stay, but I mustn't keep Y/n waiting!"

Then I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from his side of the phone. It was Y/n.

"What are you doing to her?!" I shouted.

"Hahahaha!" He continued to laugh and then ended the call. I threw the pocket mirror looking thing onto the ground, making it smash. The shapeshifter had already disappeared. I think she left whilst we were distracted by the call. Little sneak.

Y/n's POV

Pain. That was all I felt from my head to my toes. I was trapped in a column full of some sort of liquid. I didn't know what it was, but I could breathe in it. It also changes its properties when Dhutia changes the controls.

"Let's try this then," Dhutia spoke aloud, pressing a few other buttons. I felt pain shoot through my head. It felt like it was being compressed. I let out another pain-filled scream.

"Well that didn't work," Then he stopped, writing some more things down.

"What are you trying to do?!" I yelled.

"Take your magic, of course," He laughed. I hit the column's glass walls but they were anti-magic and I couldn't even use magic to break out of it.

"You're a monster," I growled.

"No Y/n, I'm a God," He chuckled.

Minerva's POV

Y/n was in danger, Sting is still not allowed out, no one can find any trace of her. I'm going to go out and see what I can find, after all, I've known her since she got to this guild, I know her better than most people here.

I was debating on whether or not to bring Rogue. I looked over my shoulder to him and saw him being occupied with Sting. He was practically holding Sting down, preventing him from leaving.

The guild hall was relatively empty again, due to everyone going out to look for her. Since Sting and Rogue were already being so loud, it was easy for me to sneak out without anyone noticing.

I walked through the forest and went to the place where she had that massive outburst. The ground was still deformed from it. I spotted a small notebook there and ran over to pick it up.

Y/n L/n
Power used: Approx. 1,529,028
Power present now: 391,372
Cause: Outburst?

It was just pages and pages on Y/n's magic power. I slipped it into my pocket and headed to the next place I thought she'd be at: the temple.

Finally, I could sense that she had been here. There was also another smell. It smelt rotten. Like someone had eaten a bunch of raw meat and not brushed they teeth for a decade.

"I believe you have something of mine," Dhutia appeared. His presence was intimidating. He must be talking about his notebook, "Don't mind my little friend here."

Something trotted next to him.

Then I saw it.

The Hidden One (Sting x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara