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After txting Luke and all I go to my door to the balcony, walk down, just sitting there playing music, and reading the book called "go ask Allie." (which I read because of beautybysiena and she is a YouTuber so go check her out)
My phone was going nuts from twitter, I didn't know why, and I don't care right this second. Its now bout 5:30 and my mom wants me to help in the kitchen.
"Wats up mom"
"Hey honey can u clean the dishes and when u r done go pack for the tour because the and of the tour is in a week"
"Ok mum and ya I haven't started so thx"
"Ur welcome"
I'm clean the dishes and bout 15 mins later I'm done and run by up stairs to pull out my case to put my clothes in and makeup. But I feel tried of packing all the time and I keep moving...
The first case was my clothes, which on one side was tank tops, crop ups, and shirts. The middle was pants,shorts, legging, and some joggers. The last end was my bras,socks, underwear and shoes. I'm next and finally case was my makeup, pj's, bathroom stuff, hair stuff,chargers, and more things. How do I tell Hayes I'm leavening this week or just leaven, and idc but more..
My phone when crazy again off out twitter because I'm guessing one of the boys (5Sos) tweeted that I'm going on tour with them this week and idk but more. My phone started singing "No Flex Zone" cuz I'm justing a call and the call was from Hayes oh god.
"Wats up hayes"
"Wats up?!?!? Why didn't u tell me!!"
"I'm sry Hayes but I was going to tell you!! Why do u care sooo much?!?!?"
"I'm sry that I want to get to know u a bit and just to let u know that I'm going on MAGCON when u are gone!!"
"Ok cool an idc Hayes I'm sry that I didn't tell u right away and just to let u know I telled today like 30 mins again so sry" With that I hung up the phone.
~~~A week pasted~~~
Hayes and I haven't bring talking at all and I'm not going to talk to him until tour and MAGCON. Hayes was been DM's, txting, calling and tweet bout me. He is saying stuff like
"I wish go could talk more"
"I miss your laugh and your voice."
"I'm sry" and the fans are going nuts of this but the fans don't know me at all the know who I am. I get ready for the airport. The outfit is the pic at the beginning,my hair was in a messy bun, and my makeup was mascara". Idc, it's my time go to the airport, and I said bye to my mom and my dad and I leaved. The car ride was quite and peaceful until we got the airport. 5SOS fans were out side waiting for me cuz want I got off of the car they all started saying my name but I bring my 2 cases and take pic w/ppl and went in. I wanted StarBucks so I want to go to get a coffee w/my dad but he didn't get nothing. My dad was saying
"don't do something stupid, follow the guys, and listen plz"
"Yes father I will"
I said bye to my father and leaved my father and heading to the gate/plane opening. I'm going to meet the boys New York and heading down. My father leavened and my plane was called like 5 mins after the plane was called and bring my cases and got on the plane.
In New York
The plane just landed,I got off, an got my stuff. I txt Luke
"Hey I'm in the airport"
"Ok well look around someone should be there with a sign with your name on it waiting for u"
"Ok I see the person now ok see u soon"
"Yup ur see us soon"
I want to the man and said
"I'm yes, I'm Bella"
"Oh yes,Mrs.Hope come with me and I will bring ur cases for u"
"Oh ok thx"
"Ur wc"
He bring my cases and put them in the cab and we got in and he drove to the boys hotel, I'm guessing. I get to a beautiful hotel and a lot of fans out side but we go around back of the hotel. He stops at the back door and I get out of the cab and head in. Security stopped me and said "u can't be back here"
"Yes I can I'm Bella Hope"
"Oh ok well the boys are up on the 10th floor Mrs.Hope and my name in Paul and I will be ur security grand."
"Ok cool and thanks but call me Bella and that's great!"
"Ok and wc"
I walk up to the evaluator and in and hind the 10th floor but the evaluator stops on the 5th floor and a blonde hair teenage come in. Right when he looked up I new on it was Niall Horan.
"Hey Niall"
"Hello but who r u and y r u going to my floor but not to be rude"
"I'm Bella Luke's friend in going on tour with u guys"
"Oh ok well this is going to be fun as hell and has been talking bout u seen the start of the tour"
"Ok and oh" I started to blushed
We get the the 10th floor and I see Michael.
I ran up to him and give him a big hug.
"Hey I through I get the first hugs!!" Luke said
"OMG LUKE I MISSED U SOO MUCH!!!" I ran up and jumped on him while giving a hug to him as he spins us around. He kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.
"We have a show tonight and it's going to be big so change ok babe" Luke said
"Ok and wat room am I in"
I blushed again. Luke is going to find out I like him and I miss when he calls me babe
"U r sharing a room with Michael,Ashton,Calum, and me" Luke said
"Ok great" I said

I'm soooo sry guys I have been studying in school cuz I been have tests all month and I have a big test idk what you guys call it but its called PARRC, busy with things, and trying to get more chapters up for you guys.

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